Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 1 st REVIEW Brussels, 12th April 2013 FP7-ICT EINS SEA 4: Organisation of Call for Proposals Anna Satsiou (CERTH)
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Objectives Organise an EINS Open Call to: Collect Disruptive ideas on Internet Science Improve knowledge in targeted topics of major importance to EINS and not sufficiently covered at present Gain new knowledge while anticipating scientific and technological advances Shape collaboration between participants; new participants are encouraged to bring new expertise SEA4
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Tasks S4.1 Selection of Scientific content of topics S4.2 Organisation of the call for proposals, evaluation and award of projects SEA4
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Overview of Work Performed In cooperation with EB members and our PO we concluded in a first open call draft, guide for applicants, list of representative topics, evaluation guide which received further feedback from all EINS participants Open Call was released on 08/02/2013 Deadline on 31/03/2013 Advertised on EINS website, affiliates, CAPS and other mailing lists SEA4
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 General Information Budget available in the open call: EUR 330 K€. A max of 10K will go to the evaluators. Requested funding per project around K€. Total number of projects: up to a maximum of 10 projects Eligible Applicants: EINS partners or new external entities Mono-applicant proposals are also eligible No restriction on the number of partners per proposal CERTH not an eligible applicant (being the coordinator) Multidisciplinary consortia: Consortia are desired to involve more than one discipline (can also be within the same partner organisation) Duration of the projects: max duration:12 months SEA4
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Evaluation Criteria “Scientific and Technological quality” (Threshold 3/5, weight 50%) (1) Relevance to the call, soundness of concept, quality of objectives and progress beyond the state-of the-art (2) Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and associated work plan. “ Implementation” criterion (Threshold 3/5, weight 30%) (1) Quality of the relevant experience of the individual partners and the consortium (if applicable) (2) Multidisciplinary considerations, i.e., involvement of different disciplines in the consortium (in case of mono-applicant submissions, involvement of different disciplines members of the same applicant organisation in the proposal); (3) Involvement of new participants (outside EINS) (4) Appropriateness of the allocation of resources. “Impact” criterion (Threshold 3/5, weight 20%) (1) Contribution at the European and/or international level to the expected impacts listed in EINS. SEA4
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Results No of Submissions19 Total Budget Needed ,67 Euros Total EC Budget Requested ,01 Euros Total EC Budget Available for Projects ,00 Euros Acceptance Rate37% SEA4 Thematic PrioritiesNo of Proposals Tools and Methods for Collective Awareness and Collaborative Platforms4 Internet,Society & Economics3 Tools and Methods for Internet Data Extraction and Analysis3 Internet Policy and Governance2 Critical Infrastructures: towards a secure and resilient future Internet2 Self-Organisation in the Internet2 The evolving concept of network neutrality and its impacts 1 Formal & algebraic methods for Internet Science1 Internet and Digital businesses1
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Deliverables WPx... D14.1 : Workprogramme (for call for proposals) – Guide for Applicants Submitted D14.2: List of proposalsM24
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Next Steps Allocation of proposals to evaluators ( 2 evaluators per proposal) Collection of reviews Ranking of proposals Decide on successful proposals based on budget allocation to old and new members Announcement of Results to all participants and announcement of successful proposals in the website Contract Amendment to include new members for the duration of a year Inclusion of new members to the website (creation of accounts etc) SEA4
1st EINS Review, Brussels, 12th April, 2013 Conclusions EINS open call very successful ! attracting 19 multidisciplinary proposals in various critical aspects of Internet Science and the participation of lot of external entities SEA4