INSTALLATION SUSTAINABILITY Systems Acquisition Logistics Support Doctrine & Planning Force Structure & Readiness Operations & Training Facilities & Infrastructure Industrial Operations Base Operations Health & Medical Transportation Mobilization & Deployment RDT&E Public Affairs
What is Sustainability? Sustainability means proactively planning for the future to ensure the long-term viability of the mission. It is an environmental management goal shift from preventing pollution and compliance to sustaining our resources. These resources include: Facilities (the “built environment”) Environment (the “natural infrastructure”) Human (our workforce)
The Pieces of the “Sustainability” Puzzle In its simplest form, sustainability is the capacity to continue our mission. The programs that support sustainability include: Environmental Management System – ISO Pollution Prevention P2 -- environmental compliance & conservation Green Procurement – environmentally friendly products and services Sustainable Development - of our facilities and infrastructure Partnering with communities – planning, avoiding encroachment Sustainable Range Program - extending practices to natural resources Safety and Occupational Health - supporting human resources Sustainable Operations - examining how we “train and fight”
INSTALLATION SUSTAINABILITY Systems Acquisition Logistics Support Doctrine & Planning Force Structure & Readiness Operations & Training Facilities & Infrastructure Industrial Operations Base Operations Health & Medical Transportation Mobilization & Deployment RDT&E Public Affairs
Sustainable Design Includes More.. ….an Ethos sustainable communities community energy consumption pollution prevention water quality water quantity energy supply and production reduced infrastructure productivity quality of life sprawl social justice habitat protection environmental equity restoration preservation adaptive reuse
Sustainability Defined? Requires personal definition... … a self supporting, endurable quality. From a historical standpoint it may mean a continued existence through the passage of time. … implies a living system (or community of systems) that exists holistically with nature, minimizing environmental and ecological degradation.