NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study1February 1-2, 2007 Workshop on Institutional Self Study Ronald L. Baker Executive Vice President Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study2February 1-2, 2007 Purpose Highlight accreditation principles; Articulate the evaluation process; and Provoke thought and promote dialogue on effective self-study practice.
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study3February 1-2, 2007 Design This Workshop is designed to complement the preliminary visit by Commission staff two years prior to the onsite evaluation.
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study4February 1-2, 2007 Participation 155 Individuals 102 Baccalaureate/Higher 73 Public29 Private 53 Associate 34 Public19 Tribal 35 Institutions 26 Baccalaureate/Higher 15 Public11 Private 9 Associate 6 Public 3 Tribal
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study, February 9 -10, 2006 Essential Question Does your institution merit accreditation?
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study6February 1-2, 2007 Definition Regional accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental, catalytic process of analytic self reflection and peer review that assures educational quality and encourages purposeful improvement through evaluations based on institutional mission, accepted standards of quality, and expectations of the public.
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study7February 1-2, 2007 Accreditation Inquiries Intentions: Are educational objectives clearly defined, appropriate, and consistent with institutional mission and characteristics? Capacity: Does the institution have conditions and resources to achieve its objectives? Achievements: Is it, in fact, substantially fulfilling its mission and purpose? Sustainability: Is it organized, staffed, and supported to continue to do so?
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study8February 1-2, 2007 Nutshell What? With What? So What? Now What?
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study9February 1-2, 2007 Scope NWCCU accreditation: Applies to the institution as a whole, not its units or educational programs; Is not partial; and Is not for a fixed period of time.
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study10February 1-2, 2007 Evaluations Comprehensive decennial self study, report of findings, and onsite visit Regular report and onsite visit five years after a decennial evaluation *Written progress report to address identified issue(s) *Written focused report and onsite visit to address identified issue(s) *Requested at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study11February 1-2, 2007 NWCCU Accredited Institutions *Degree Public Tribal Private Total A B M D *Highest Degree Offered
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study12February 1-2, 2007 NWCCU Candidate Institutions *Degree Public Tribal Private Total A B M D *Highest Degree Offered
*Institutions by States *Accredited and Candidate Institutions
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study14February 1-2, 2007 Accreditation Standards Taken as a whole, the Standards form a flexible framework of qualitative, non-prescriptive statements that enables institutions with divergent missions, philosophies, and characteristics to exhibit essential principles of quality and effectiveness.
Mission Centered
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study16February 1-2, 2007 Perspective The challenge is for us to see beyond the innumerable fragments to the whole, stepping back far enough to appreciate how things move and change as a coherent entity. Margaret J. Wheatley
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study17February 1-2, 2007 Strategy Analysis Synthesis Method consists of two processes, correlative and complementary to each other: Analysis of complex totalities into their parts; and Synthesis of parts into their totality. Joseph L. Esposito
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study18February 1-2, 2007 Processes Analysis knowledge Analysis - Reductionistic examination of parts to acquire knowledge of their properties and functions. Synthesis understanding Synthesis - Holistic study of relationships among parts to gain understanding of their roles and the purpose of the whole in which they exist.
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study19February 1-2, 2007 Assessment Areas Intentions Mission GoalsPractices Planning Actions Capacity Resources InfrastructureAchievements Institutional Student Learning
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study20February 1-2, 2007 Synthesis Themes Quality Educational InstitutionalStability Outcomes Operations Effectiveness Achievements PracticesSustainability Adaptability Viability
NWCCU Workshop on Institutional Self Study21February 1-2, 2007 Short Break