Practice Education Facilitators
Quality Standards for Practice Placements (NES 2003)
Aim:- To raise awareness and knowledge of the Quality Standards for Practice Placements (QSPP). Specific Objectives:- 1. Understand the underpinning principles (background) to the QSPP. 2. Recognise the specific individual responsibilities of the student and mentors in the clinical learning process prior to, during, and on completion of the practice placement. 3. Understand the responsibilities of the student, mentor, service provider and establishments of Higher/Further Education. 4.Be aware of the potential optimal impact on learning with the implementation of the Quality Standards in each clinical learning environment/practice placement.
BACKGROUND TO QSPP QSPP were developed by NHS Education for Scotland in (NES 2003). These standards give an understanding of roles & responsibilities for students, mentors & service providers. Are applicable to any structured placement.
STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO PLACEMENTS STANDARDS Prepared for practice Approved placement Named mentor Access to Standards INDICATORS Preparation, audit, allocation Comprehensive orientation Welcomed to placement
STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITIES DURING PRACTICE PLACEMENT STANDARDS Learning contract negotiated with mentor within 48 hours Freedom & support to learn & achieve outcomes Team approach Regular & consistent feedback – outcomes Fair & objective assessment Ongoing support HEI INDICATORS Named Mentor – experience/qualifications Named link - HEI Initial meeting with mentor – develop learning contract Multi-professional approach Area has philosophy of care Regular review of learning needs
STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITIES AFTER PRACTICE PLACEMENT STANDARDS Provide an evaluation of their placement experience INDICATORS Clear systems on guidance and feedback Clear systems for dealing with student issues Effective joint HEI/Service Provider evaluation Clear systems which link student evaluation into the provider quality enhancement agenda
MENTORS RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT STANDARDS Support network – clinical, educational colleagues, peers & managers Be prepared prior to student’s placement Student prepared & committed to achieving learning outcomes INDICATORS Adequate/timely information prior to students arrival Preparation time prior to students arrival Time on day 1 for student induction Knowledge of students learning needs Achievement of the staff governance standard in relation to training
MENTORS RESPONSIBILITIES DURING PRACTICE PLACEMENT STANDARDS Support, teach, supervise, assess Allocated time to assess students progress towards learning outcomes & competence Ongoing feedback & guidance to student Conduct fair & objective assessment INDICATORS Team mentoring approach Range of clinical colleagues who input to learning experience of the student Freedom/authority to plan & deliver learning opportunities to meet learning outcomes
MENTORS RESPONSIBILITIES AFTER PRACTICE PLACEMENTS STANDARDS Contribute to ongoing evaluation on the learning environment and the student experience INDICATORS Clear systems on guidance and feedback Clear systems for dealing with student issues Effective joint HEI/Service Provider evaluation Clear systems which link mentor evaluation into the quality enhancement agenda