1 Monitoring/Evaluation Program Overview December 3, 2008 Title III Director’s Meeting
2 MDE Responsibility Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is responsible for monitoring all ELL/Immigrant program performance to ensure compliance under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
3 Fulfilling MDE’s Responsibility Develop process to determine the current status of each program/district’s progress.
4 The Process Develop evaluation tool Develop evaluation model Distribute the tool to LEAs Collect tool, analyze data Determine what type of review Conduct review Recommend improvement plan for districts
5 Purpose of Evaluation Checklist Tool Title III Program Evaluation Checklist Designed to provide districts with a self assessment tool to determine program progress and compliance with NCLB Designed to provide MDE with a baseline review of all districts Provide a sustainable model to maintain timely annual reviews
6 Evaluation Checklist Tool Contents Six Sections Administrative Responsibilities Student Identification Parent & Community Involvement Instructional Programs & Assessment Teacher Qualifications and Professional Development Program Evaluation & School Improvement
7 Snap Shot of Evaluation Tool
9 The Evaluation Model Documentation + Performance = Type of Review Performance Data AYP AMAOs MEAP ELPA + Evaluation Checklist Type of Review =
10 Types of Review Desk Telephone Focused On-Site
11 Types of Reviews Desk/Telephone Conducted for programs that have demonstrated positive program outcomes and achievement results based on state data for ELLs.
12 Types of Reviews Focused On-site Conducted for programs/districts that have not made significant progress based on state achievement data and or fiscal audit findings.
13 Send evaluation notification letter with Evaluation Checklist Tool. Return completed Evaluation Checklist Tool to the Office of School Improvement (OSI) by January 30, OSI will notify Program/District of date, time, and type of review. Reviews will begin the second week of February Evaluation Program Implementation
14 Evaluation Program Implementation Reviews conducted by ELL/Evaluation Monitoring Consultant. Some reviews will be conducted in collaboration with Field Service Team. Subsequent to reviews, OSI will provide districts with written feedback on progress, noting commendations and recommendations for improvement.
15 Required Documentation Complete and return to OSI a hard copy of the Evaluation Checklist Tool. Forward an electronic copy of the Evaluation Checklist Tool to OSI. See for Evaluation Checklist Tool, Forward completed copy to
16 Required Documentation Program/Districts selected for focused on-site reviews must assemble a documentation notebook with each section and item clearly labeled. Notebooks remain at the school district in preparation for on-site visit.
17 Contact list Betty Underwood Linda Forward Roberto Saenz Michigan Department of Education Office of School Improvement Academic Support
18 Evaluation Monitoring Overview Q & A