Daily Grammar Please take notes then write each type of sentence. Thank you There are four different types of sentence Declarative- this type of sentence tells a statement. Interrogative- asks a question? Imperative- makes a request or gives a command. Exclamatory- expresses strong feelings or emotions!
Daily Grammar Three ways to build a sentence Simple sentence- has one subject and verb Example-She ate. (This is very boring!) Compound sentence- has two or more simple sentences or clauses using a comma or conjunction Example- She asked me to dance, and I said yes! Complex sentence-has an independent clause and a dependent clause joined by a subordinating conjunction. Example- Whenever I see that monkey, I think of my counselor at camp.
Daily Grammar Please write the 3 sentence types. Thank you Here are some subordinate conjunctions you can use ( You might want to write me in your notes. Hint hint!) AfterWhenever BeforeIf UnlessOnce UntilSince BecauseAlthough WhetherWhen WhereasWhere