1 December 2006. Energy Cluster Regional economic development Growth of employment What is Energy Valley?


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Presentation transcript:

1 December 2006

Energy Cluster Regional economic development Growth of employment What is Energy Valley?

What is Energy Valley? Three cornerstones CONVENTIONAL ACTIVITIES Ambitious programs for gas and electricity CONVENTIONAL ACTIVITIES Ambitious programs for gas and electricity KNOWLEDGE & INNOVATION European arena for energy knowledge KNOWLEDGE & INNOVATION European arena for energy knowledge ENERGY TRANSITION Northern Netherlands as incubator for (innovative) sustainable developments ENERGY TRANSITION Northern Netherlands as incubator for (innovative) sustainable developments ENERGY VALLEYENERGY VALLEY

1. Optimal use of available fields  Groningen Long Term  Intensification of the use of small fields (e.g. SKIDS)  Reopening oilfields Schoonebeek Cluster: Conventional Actvivities

2. Gas Roundabout  Balgzand Bacton Line  North European Gas Pipeline  Natural gas storage  LNG Terminal Cluster: Conventional Actvivities

3. Electricity cluster  NorNed cable (600 MW)  NUON Magnum, RWE, Advanced Power (4.000 MW)  Wind parks (400 MW) Cluster: Conventional Actvivities

4. Energy related business  Regional production and agricultural industry  ICT and Services  Smart Applications Cluster: Conventional Actvivities

Cluster: Knowledge and Innovation

 Energy transition as vehicle for innovation and economic development  Energy Valley as national incubator for strategic transitions  Platform for sustainable economic development Sparring partner project forming, coalition forming (network function), project management, support with financing options  Transition themes - New Gas - Biomass - Sustainable Mobility - Sustainable Electricity - Smart Energy Systems Cluster: Energy Transition

1. New Gas  Home Power Plant / MicroCHP  Green Gas program  Mobility on natural gas (CNG)  CO 2 -storage Cluster: Energy Transition

2. Green Resources  Biomass to Power  Biomass to Liquids  Biomass to Gas  Biomass to Products Cluster: Energy Transition

3. Sustainable Mobility  Production of bio fuels  Mobility on Natural Gas  Market introduction / Retail Cluster: Energy Transition

4. Sustainable Electricity  Zero Emission Power Plant Drachten  Offshore wind technology (Lagerweij)  Smart Solutions (Blue Energy / Tocardo) Cluster: Energy Transition

Energy Valley Projects

Roll Out / Results  Jobs created  Conventional activities fte  Knowledge & Innovation fte  Energy Transition fte

Roll Out / Prospects  Conventional activities - Usage available fields~ €3 billion - Gas roundabout~ €4 billion - Electricity cluster~ €6 billion  Knowledge & Innovation - Scientific personnel~ fte  Energy Transition - New Gas~ 35 projects - Green Resources~ 25 projects - Sustainable Mobility~ 15 projects - Sustainable Electricity~ 10 projects ~ €1.4 billion

Example Project: Smart Power System  Joint initiative Gasunie Trade & Supply, Bosch/Nefit, Remeha en Vaillant/Hepworth  Innovation Make Micro CHP’s more effective towards an large scale market introduction  Concept - Decentral energy management (ICT-driven environment) - Sustainable energy - Business opportunities