From the Baltic Sea
Gray seals are large, reaching lengths up to about 8 feet and weights over 600 pounds. They range in coloration from a dark brown to dark gray coat in males and a lighter grayish- tan in females. Both males and females may have spots or patches. The older males have a more “roman-nosed” appearance than females.
Gray seals, Halichoerus grypus, are mammals belonging to the order Pinnipedia. The gray seal's scientific name translates to "hook-nosed sea pig." Gray seals are in the family Phocidae and, like harbor seals and elephant seals, are known as true seals. Unlike other pinnipeds, true seals cannot support the weight of their bodies with their back limbs. Adult males can grow up to 10 feet long and, on average, weigh 770 lbs. Female gray seals can reach up to 7 1/2 feet in length and weigh around 440 lbs.
Gray seals are found in the northern Atlantic ranging from the east coast of Canada to the Baltic Sea. Labrador, Newfoundland and coastal Nova Scotia are among the breeding grounds of gray seals. Additionally, colonies of gray seals can be found along coasts in Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain and Iceland. Young gray seals are known to wander over large distances and have been found living in habitats over 1,000 miles from their original birthplace