TheLoTTIEKit FDLRS Gulfcoast Serving Pinellas, Pasco and Hernando Counties Eloise Hayes Kristin Hope Carol Norton Paula Walker
LoTTIE Kit Low Tech Tools for Inclusive Education Tools for Productivity Grades K-12
Tools are designed to help: Regular education teachers Special education teachers Instructional aides Occupational therapists Any person working with students
Tools can be used for: Reading Writing Math Organization
Teacher’s Manual:
Reading Tools
Plastic Colored Transparencies Improves visual perception of text Blurry letters Words that seem to blend Letters that move Complains of eyestrain Poor spacing between letters & words while copying
Marking to Remember & Study Why? Because the text can’t be written in Student is being taught what to mark & may need to make a correction Draw attention to words so they can’t be missed Use different colors to mark information in different categories Draw attention without changing the information’s appearance
Highlighter Tapes Colors: Pink Green Yellow Orange
Removable Arrow Tags Draws attention to words or items so they can’t be missed
Uni-ball Pens Underlining Draw attention Mark different info in different colors
Post-It Notes Too “ into ” reading to stop --- use dots to mark vocabulary --- replace the dot with a Post-It note that has the definition written on it
Marking Pages/Books & Notebooks Great way to mark where a student(s) left off while reading or using a textbook Hefty Tabs
Marking Pages/Books & Notebooks Post-It Mini Flags -Important vocabulary Pink -Important vocabulary - Names to know Green - Names to know -Picture/map Purple -Picture/map -Dates Yellow -Dates -Chapter questions Blue -Chapter questions Color might be important:
Marking Pages/Books & Notebooks Post-It Mini Flags Position of tab might be important: Top-entire page is important Side-important text marked on page Bottom-questions requiring further study
Tracking and Reading Signature guide Surrounds word and blacks out words below & above the words being read
Tracking and Reading Wallet magnifier Helps track by magnifying word being read-leaving the surrounding text smaller
Writing Tools
Writing with Rubber Stamps Students who have difficulty with handwriting tasks True-False Tests Punctuation
Homework Wiz Spelling corrector Spelling suggestion list Helps find the correct homonym
Colored Pens for Note-taking Used as an Organizer: names = red names = red vocabulary = green vocabulary = green general notes = blue general notes = blue colors
Colored Pens for Editing Can be used on their own work or for peer work Can also be used to streamline the editing process Use a particular color = Really Good Stuff !
Pencil Grippers Hand/finger fatigue Poor writing due to lack of fine motor control Caution- don’t place the grip too high!
Gripper Pens Dr. Grip Evopen
Non-Abrasive Erasers If erasing continues to be difficult a student might use...
Correction Tapes/Coverup tapes For corrections For wordiness For writing within the lines
Raised Line Paper Kinesthetic feedback: 1) If a student writes over the line he can “feel” that he has crossed the barrier with the pen or pencil 2) The student can actually follow the raised lines with fingers to determine where to start or stop writing
Plastic Writing Guide Keeps letters in a given space Fits over an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper
Marking Margins
Post-It Notes-Peer Conferencing
NiteWriter Pen
Highlighter Markers Tracing lessons Use of 2 colors = a new color
Dry Highlighter New Item--- It is ERASEABLE !
Homework Wiz with Colored Dots Mark a homonym error in a student’s writing with a colored dot--- Use the same colored dot on the “confusable” mode on the Homework Wiz
Whiteboards and Write-on Crayons Allow the student to get a “feel” of how to form letters- especially when learning cursive writing
Catch that Pencil ! Non-skid pad Total Grips !
Math Tools
Math Grids 1/3 1/2 2/3 3/4 1 inch Can be copied !
Plastic Colored Transparencies
Number Stamps
Finger Pinch Ruler
Talking Calculator ProvidesAuditory& Visual feedback Reads 2 ways: and 371 and 371
Colored Dots
Highlight-Operational signs Use different highlighters to specify which operation is being used
Uni-ball Pens for Place Value
Laminated Math Tables
Signature Guide/ Writing Guide
Correction/Cover-up tape
Highlight- Carrying / borrowing Use different highlighters to specify where they need to carry and record a number
Arrow tags
Organizational Tools
Color Coding Work to be Done Highlighter markers Uni-ball neon pens Mini-flags Page markers Post It Notes Removable Arrows Colored dots
Page Up
Digital Voice Recorder School to home communication device !
Post-It Notes Organizes Assignment Priorities Brainstorming ideas Desk reminders
Finger Pinch Ruler
Permanently mark Book Parts Can use Hefty Tabs Could mark: table of contents indexglossary appendices with maps and tables
Do you have to buy a kit? Ordering information is included Local stores Look for other items that might be of assistance to a child in need No !
The End !