Fair Trade Coffee
The Farmer or Small Coffee Producer Farmers are the people who manually plant, grow and handpick coffee beans as they ripen.Farmers are the people who manually plant, grow and handpick coffee beans as they ripen. They may work for themselves or they may work for a small producerThey may work for themselves or they may work for a small producer Young people are often involved in this part of the process, tending to plants and picking ripened beans.Young people are often involved in this part of the process, tending to plants and picking ripened beans. Farmers and producers usually live in rural areas and they rely on traders to buy their coffee beans and sell them in turn to a coffee processor.Farmers and producers usually live in rural areas and they rely on traders to buy their coffee beans and sell them in turn to a coffee processor.
Trader Traders bring the coffee beans from the rural farmer to the coffee processor. They buy the beans directly from the farmer (often setting the purchase price themselves) and then sell the beans to a processing company.
Processor The processor purchases beans from the trader, then sorts and grades them, preparing the beans for exportation.
Exporter Food production companies purchase raw coffee beans through exporters, who are responsible for making sure the beans reach the purchasers. These purchasers are often located in other “developed” countries.
Roaster/Food Production Company Before coffee is ready for consumption, the raw beans must be roasted. The length of time beans spend in the roaster determines whether the coffee will be light, medium or dark roast. Then the production company packages and markets the roasted beans.
Distributor Some food production companies distribute their own roasted coffee to grocery stores and restaurants; others may sell the coffee to independent distributors.
Retailer Grocery stores sell coffee to customers; restaurants, coffee shops and other retail outlets prepare coffee for consumption.
Conventional Coffee Path
Coffee Revenue Distribution Figures
Coffee Trade: Conventional Trade vs. Fair Trade