Capacity development initiatives AfDB Evaluation week December 3 – 6, 2012 African Evaluation Association Association Africaine d’Evaluation Adiza Lamien Ouando General Secretary Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam Central Africa Representative
Capacity development initiatives EvalMEntors MIAE Internships Conferences and workshops Other CB initiatives 2 Serge Eric / Adiza 06/12/2012
AfrEA as an institution Founded in 1999; Established as an umbrella Association for National Evaluation Associations (NEA) and networks, and as a resource for evaluators; With representation in all Regions: Central, East, West, Southern, Central and North. Supported by continental and international funders, partners and friends. 3 Serge Eric / Adiza 06/12/2012
EVALMENTORS Obj: Strengthen capacity to publish articles of high standards Online training on how to publish Training workshops on regional basis Mentoring (one to one, roaster of experts..). 4 Serge Eric )/ Adiza 06/12/2012
Made in Africa Approach to Evaluation 5 Serge Eric ) / Adiza 06/12/2012 Obj: To develop an African tailored approach to evaluation a.Building a platform for providing evaluation courses at university level b.Promoting indigenous knowledge to evaluation c.Twining and partnership arrangements (expert twining for 6 months-1 year for trainers/ indv/ inst/ VOPEs) Remark: MIAE not close to external support and ideas
Internships 6 Serge Eric / Adiza 06/12/2012 Obj: An opportunity for young professionals to gain new sills and experience through practice a.Identify hosting institutions (Gov, UN, private firms, indv. Consultants, VOPEs, AfrEA) b.Possible partnership with AfDB internship programs, others? Remarks: conduct an inventory of existing young professionals women and men
Conferences and workshops Obj: Build evaluation capacity, linkages and sue through AfrEA biennial conferences 7th AfrEA conference National Associations and networks Evaluation Days Remark: Improvement in these events preparation Follow up of effects on participants sills and use of tools and methods 06/12/2012 Serge Eric / Adiza 7
Other CB initiatives o Peer learning and experience sharing among/between members of National Associations/Networks through exchange visits Remarks: o There is a need to have Innovative strategies at lower cost. o The exchange visits should be as rigourous as trainings in the design and implementation. 8 Serge Eric / Adiza 06/12/2012
Conditions to achieve CB success Strengthening Institutional capacities AfrEA Secretariat Leadership support through AfrEA Executive Board and the re gional representatives 9 Serge Eric / Adiza / 06/12/2012
More details Please register ! 10 Serge Eric / Adiza 06/12/2012
Thanks so Much!/ Merci beaucoup ! To be continued … 11 Serge Eric / Adiza