Living a Healthy Life Lessons Two & Three Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle Pgs 10-25
The Health Triangle Physical Health Mental/Emotional Health Social Health
Physical Health How well your body functions Energy for daily activities Cope with challenges and stresses Resist disease Avoid Injury
Mental & Emotional Health Feelings about self Meet demands of life Information processing Enjoy challenges Learning new things Learn from mistakes Accept responsibility for actions
Social Health Getting along with others Make and keep friends Cooperative with others Seek and lend support Good communication Respecting and caring for self and others
Influences on Health Heredity-traits passed biologically from parents Environment-sum of your surroundings (family, school, life experiences) Culture-collective beliefs/behaviors of a group Attitude-the way you view situations Behavior-your actions Media-radio, T.V., newspapers, etc Technology-affects medicine, environment, etc.
Understanding Health Risks Risk behaviors are actions that could threaten your health or others
Teen Risk Behaviors Behaviors contributing to injury Tobacco use Alcohol and drug use Sexual behaviors Unhealthy dietary behaviors Physical inactivity
Cumulative Risks Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk (repeated behaviors or combination behaviors)
Abstaining from Risk Behaviors Abstinence is avoiding harmful behaviors such as: 1. Abstaining from tobacco, alcohol, drugs 2. Abstaining from sexual activity