The Male Reproductive System
The Testis Spermatogensis and spermiogenesis
Low Magnification of the entire testis TA – Tunica Albuginea E – Epididymis RT – Rete Testis
Low magnification of seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells
Seminiferous Tubules Primary Spermatocytes Sperm Spermatids Sperm
Seminiferous Tubules Sertoli Cells Spermatogonia
Seminiferous Tubule Primary spermatocytes Spermatids Arrow – sertoli cell Sperm
SEM of a seminiferous tubule Sg, spermatogonia; Sc, spermatocytes; Se, Sertoli cells; Ta, sperm tails
Diagram of Spermiogenesis
TEM of developing sperm embedded in a sertoli cell Sertoli Cell
TEM of developing sperm head AC – acrosome; PM – plasma membrane
TEM of developing sperm midpiece Mi – mitochondria; He – head; Cp – centriole; Cf/Pf – microtubules of flagellum
TEM of crossections through sperm tails Note the arrangement of microtubules
SEM of a mature sperm cell
The Testis Sertoli Cells and Interstitial Cells
Seminiferous tubules with Sertoli Cells (Arrows)
TEM of sertoli cells (S and St labeled cells)
Interstitial or Leydig Cells (arrows)
Leydig Cells
Male Tubular System
Low magnification – The entire testis Epididymis Seminiferous tubules Rete Testis
Low maginfication of the Rete Testis Ductili Efferentes
Ductili Efferentes Ductus Epididymis
The Epididymis – pseudostratified with stereo cilia Smooth Muscle
The Ductus Deferens or Vas Deferens Smooth Muscle
SEM of the Vas Deferens Ep – epithelium; LP – lamina propria; SM – smooth muscle; Ad - adventitia
Lining of the Vas Deferens Pseudostartified columnar with stereo cilia
Low magnification of the Spermatic Cord with the Ductus Deferens (DD)
Associated Glands
Low magnification of the entire Seminal Vesicle
Seminal Vesicle Smooth Muscle
Epithelial lining of the Seminal Vesicle
Low magnification of the Prostate Gland
Low magnification of the Prostate Gland with concretions
High magnification of the Prostate Gland with concretions
The Penis