ATLAS Working Group Report IHEP, Beijing Nanjing Univ, Nanjing Shandong Univ, Jinan USTC, Hefei
We are very encouraged that ATLAS detector constructions are well in progress and will have its data taking in 2007 on schedule. Chinese teams have made valuable contributions on detector construction. In order to have the better understanding of the detector performance, it is important to send people to participate the installation and commissioning. Chinese teams are preparing for the Physics analysis. We hope that our plan can be supported by Chinese funding agencies(MOST, NSFC, CAS and the Ministry of Education)
Manpower ATLAS Chinese cluster plans to have 14 physicists and 6-7 PhD students (roughly as the present level).
Analysis model Working on the physics analysis in each Institution. We suggest that 3-4 people (physicists and PhD students) be stationed on rotation at CERN for the installation, the data taking and the data analysis. Enhance cooperation inside Chinese Teams. Organize physics meeting routinely in each Institute. We have established a close cooperation with CPPM ( France) and Lund ( Sweden).
Computing Resources The Chinese cluster already has a good condition in computing and will get strong support from universities. IHEP: Tier 1 Center (planned) Shandong Univ.: 50 CPU Nodes 6TB disc space (Tier 2 candidate) Nanjing: 128 CPU nodes and 10TB disc space USTC: 40 CPU, D0 regional analyses center, with 3TB disk LCG has installed in IHEP, Nanjing and Shandong. ATLAS software environment has been installed in IHEP, Nanjing and Shandong
Physics Topics We are involved in the muon spectrometer and hadronic calorimeter constructions, Both have the excellent performance. We will work on the Muon spectrometer calibration with Z->ll, Calorimeter calibration with W->light jj. Selection of b-jet Top reconstruction, t->bw tt-bar spin correlation tt-bar H associate production Sneutrino resonance production and model independent search in LFV e events as well
Potential Easy to attract and select PhD students at the universities. With people experienced on colliders: Higgs and SUSY searches (ALEPH and D0). We already have several theorists involved, and would welcome even more to join in our physics analyses.
Financial Supports M&O Share To maintain Chinese ATLAS team working for physics analyses and detector operation. Common Fund needs to be solved (We still owe ATLAS 340 kCHF common fund which can be paid in kind)
M&O cost The M&O(A) is based on the share of authors , the core computing (infrastructure & services) and M&O(B) on the CORE share (for China, the original CORE) core software effort, is as follows for China: 2006: M&O(A) = 98 kCHF; M&O (B) = 6 kCHF 2007: M&O(A) = 109 kCHF; M&O (B) = 17 kCHF 2008: M&O(A) = 125 kCHF; M&O (B) = 17 kCHF 2009: M&O(A) = 139 kCHF; M&O (B) = 13 kCHF 2010: M&O(A) = 139 kCHF; M&O (B) = 13 kCHF kCHF + 66 kCHF= 676 kCHF
JTT OUTER PLUGS: Consist of: 8 plugs Per Side, Mass each = 5137 kg Outer Dia = 1578 mm (ATLJT___0018) Total Mass, Per Side = kg Material : UNS C83600 Copper Casting Alloy JTT INNER PLUGS: Consist of: 10 plugs Per Side, Mass each = 2592 kg Outer Dia = 1096 mm (ATLJT___0019) Total Mass, Per Side = kg Material : UNS C83600 Copper Casting Alloy (Estimated cost 800kCHF) From the presentation of P. Jenni:
In the discussion, the ATLAS spokesperson stresses that: (1) The Chinese physicists already made important contributions in the detector construction and made a good preparation for physics analyses. (2) He would strongly support the Chinese physicists to be involved in a major way in ATLAS physics analyses.