Final Project Proposal Space Invaders By Jordan Mahaffey
Game Overview Similar to “Space Invaders” Will build upon techniques learned during breakout project
Overview, Continued Player control a ship at bottom of screen Collection of enemy ships advancing Destroy enemy ships before they reach player
Sprites Ship sprite An array of arrays of enemy ship sprites A background sprite to simulate space Bullet sprites Enemy bullet sprites String Sprites Level display string sprite Score display string sprite String sprite that announces a player has reached a new level and then disappears String sprite that appears when the player loses
Trackers Need a tracker for all moving objects Player ship tracker Trackers of the enemy ships Trackers for player bullets Trackers for enemy bullets
Collision Five Possible Collisions When player ship intersects enemy ship, player loses. When enemy bullet intersects player ship, player loses When enemy ship hit the bottom of screen, player loses When enemy ship hits side of screen, enemy ship formation changes direction and moves down a fixed amount. When enemy ship intersects player bullet, ship sprite is killed
Scoring For each enemy ship destroyed, the player will earn the number of points equivalent to the level he is on. Level 1: 1 point per enemy ship destroyed Level 4: 4 points per enemy ship destroyed Level 31: 11 point per enemy ship destroyed
Level Progression As player progresses through levels Enemy ships move faster Enemy ships fire more bullets Player receives more points per enemy ship No end to levels—game gets harder and harder
Game Over The game ends when the player loses after Being hit by an enemy ship Being hit by an enemy bullet The formation of ships reaches the bottom of the screen The game cannot be beaten and the levels are infinite and become increasingly difficult.
Order of Priority Make ship and make ship move side to side Make an array of arrays of enemy string sprites and make the formation of enemies advance appropriately Make player bullets and make them move up the screen and destroy enemy ships upon collision Make level and score display and make score update appropriately when ships are destroyed Make a new level and reset game state upon completion of previous level Make enemy fire bullets back at the player
Possible Enhancements Enemy ships firing bullets back at player Different formations of enemy ships on each level Special enemy ships take more than one bullet to destroy The player has the possibility to fire a “bomb” that destroys all ships in a certain radius.