Understanding through Uncertainty: schema in research interviews Paper presented at the AES Conference September 2010 by David Roberts R oberts B rown
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Haire’s Shopping List I Pound and a half of hamburger 2 loaves Wonder bread bunch of carrots 1 can Rumford's Baking Powder Nescafe instant coffee 2 cans Del Monte peaches 5 lbs. potatoes
Haire’s Shopping List II Pound and a half of hamburger 2 loaves Wonder bread bunch of carrots 1 can Rumford's Baking Powder 1 lb. Maxwell House Coffee (Drip Ground) 2 cans Del Monte peaches 5 lbs. potatoes
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Projective Techniques present participants with ambiguous stimuli Participants “need to make sense of, by drawing on their own experiences, thoughts, feelings and imagination.” (Catterall & Ibbotson 2000)
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WorkSpace Source based on Hick 2005 Audio-visual scratchpad Phonological Loop Central Executive subvocalisation
Human Brain Activity Source: Paulescu et al, 1993 Figure 2, p. 343
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Most Behaviour is automatic or driven by emotions “Most of what drives behaviour is below conscious awareness (adaptive unconscious)” (Gladwell 2005 quoted in Keegan 2010)
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Yes Prime Minister – Opinion Poll ure=related
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Judgment requires emotion “Emotions rule all decision making; people are never totally rational; judgment requires emotion” (Keegan 2010 following Damasio 2000)
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Thematic Apperception Testing Source: Hurworth, Centre for Program Evaluation, University of Melbourne