You need to do… Form a team with 2 people Choose a topic technically oriented artistically oriented mixture of both Project proposal Project presentation make a short film
Some ideas Animation using Maya or 3D Studio Max
Some ideas Special effects for a short video
Some ideas Motion Capture IK for interaction constraints
Some ideas Motion Capture Path following by specified footprints
Some ideas Motion Capture Synchronize motion with sound
Some ideas Motion Capture Facial animation
Some ideas Motion Capture Interaction between actors
Some ideas Motion Capture Retargeting (e.g. put human motion on a coke can)
Some ideas Simulation Flexible objects
Some ideas Simulation Natural phenomena
Some ideas Simulation Fluid, fire, smoke, etc.
Some ideas Simulation Cloth motion
Some ideas Simulation Hair, fur
Some ideas Simulation Large scale rigid body simulation
Some ideas Group behavior Crowd
Some ideas Group behavior Flock animation likes birds, fishes, firebugs
Proposal 需繳交兩頁 題目名稱 相關研究 工作分配 進度安排