SAND SAMPLING APPARATUS Gina Teofilak Richard Klimas Dan Mortensen Ruben De Sousa
Overview Introduction Design Concept- take one Experimental Changes Design Concept- take two Cost Analysis Comparisons Current Design Planned Future Work
Introduction Purpose: Eglin AFRL has an existing experiment in which a projectile is fired through a coffin-sized box filled with 1100lbs of sand. Once complete, researchers are interested in the crystalline structure of the sand particles. The shot line of the projectile is approximately 1ft under compacted sand that must be removed in order to be examined. Current Designs require manual labor for filling and excavating samples of sand once projectile has been fired. Problem: A request has been made to aid in the excavating process of the experiment. So far, removing the sample has proved to be a laborious “scooping” task with a simple shovel which may cause disruptions to the sand of interest. A more accurate technique is needed to exhume a sample. Particle AnalysisExcavated shot line FracturedVirgin v= 1200m/s = 3937 ft/s
D ESIGN Design Concept – Take oneBreakdown Mount Aluminum Extrusion to side of target Vacuum to desired depth Use of Linear Actuators Carbon Stick Tape
E GLIN V ISIT 10/31/2008 Experimental Changes Newly added forklift straddles
D ESIGN 2 Design Concept – Take twoBreakdown mechanism must be attached to top of target vacuum to desired depth Linear actuators will be designed Carbon tape in circles Cylinder to attach carbon tape
C OST B REAKDOWN Cost Analysis Comparisons ItemCost Vacuum$120 20ft 80/20 Aluminum Extrusion $140 20ft -½ inch threaded rod$30 8ft- ½ “ x 1 ¼” aluminum$200 10ft - ¼ 20 aluminum rod$50 ¼ 20 Socket head screws$20 Carbon Tape$60 (2) Linear Actuators$3000 (3) DC Motors$ Total: $ Total: $979.97
D ESIGN T AKE TWO Current Design Use 3 linear motion actuators for X, Y, Z motion ½ inch threaded rod instead of lead screws for each axis of motion aluminum extrusion frames for Y and Z axes ½ inch aluminum rod stabilizers for support Motion to be attained from 3 high torque dc motors Mounts to the side walls of the box for easy installation
Actuators Y Actuator Motor will be mounted on side of shaft Able to move side to side Stabilizer bars add rigidness so actuator will not shake when torque is applied Z Actuator Motor will be mounted on top of shaft Attached on the backside to the Y actuator Hose will be clamped to aluminum extrusion located on the mount Numerical Modeling D ESIGN T AKE TWO
Motion Control Motion control will be attained using 3 high torque DC motors Y axis motion will be controlled with motion control stops every four inches motion will start at one side of the box, right to left when the head reaches the left side of the box, it will hit the stop and return back to the right After returning to the right side, the X actuator will be moved four inches to next spot four inches is width of vacuum head Z axis motion will occur after a whole top layer comes off the sand will move down a pre set depth consistent every layer D ESIGN T AKE TWO
Side ViewFront ViewBottom View Tip Design D ESIGN T AKE TWO Controlled depth Blades to breakup material back pins Trial and error
F UTURE Future Plans – Fall semester Design Components Trip to Eglin to View Experiment Redesign to accommodate sponsor Run Experiment 2 nd trip to Eglin to shoot projectile Prepare for Final Presentation Identify all needed parts Static analysis/weight distributions Order parts Final Design
COST REFERENCES Carbon Stick tape Actuators Aluminum Extrusion Dynatech Associates Vacuum, screws Aluminum, threaded Al, rod REFERENCES 1.Cooper, William “Bill”, MSgt Wes Schuler, AFRL/RW Munitions Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory 2.Mortensen, Charles, Owner, Dynatech Associates