Galactic Airways The worlds first Celestial Cruise Liner! 30m
The Orion Nebula The Alpha Centauri Star System Gliese 581 c The Milky Way V4641 Sgr Visit the Wonders of the Galactic neighbourhood:
Galactic Airways The worlds first Celestial Cruise Liner! 30m
How it all works…
100m 30m
What to look forward too…
Day One - Earth Passengers arrive on The Pathfinder Tour Distance from the Sun: 149,597,890 km Total Distance Traveled: 500 km
Day One Cont. – The Moon Distance from the Sun: km Total Distance Traveled: 384,985 km
Day Two-Three: Alpha Centauri Spend 2 days drifting past the three stars of the outstanding triple start binary system Distance from the Sun: 39,923,429,900,000 km Total Distance Traveled: 39,923,430,284,985 km
Day Four-Six: The Orion Nebula Space Walk Gravity-free Room Enjoy 3 days of this spectacular sight Distance from the Sun: 12,714,950,200,000,000 km Total Distance Traveled: 12,754,873,630,284,985 km
Day Seven-Eight: V4641 Sgr [Black Hole} Have fun during 2 Exiting days of orbiting a Black Hole! Distance from the Sun: 15,136,845,400,000,000 km Total Distance Traveled: 27,891,719,030,284,985 km
Day Nine-Twelve: Gliese 581 c Planet Walk Spend 2 days on Gliese 581 c before an extra 2 days orbiting its amazing earth like solar system! Distance from the Sun: 192,048,727,000,000 km Total Distance Traveled: 28,083,767,757,284,985 km
Day Thirteen-Eighteen: The Milky Way Finally; Our Galaxy! Enjoy Five Awestruck days looking Down on our Solar system from above! Distance from the Sun: 473,026,420,000,000,000 km Total Distance Traveled: 501,110,187,757,284,985 km
“I could never afford that!”… … Or Could You? By the end of the trip, you will have traveled 974 quadrillion 136 Trillion 607 Billion 757million 284 thousand 985 Km! The Ships maiden voyage will take place This Summer on July 11, 2030 And for $ you can be part of it!
Because of the efficiency of the Ship, Each ‘Jump’ is cheap and affordable! Galactic Airways… …Expect the best!