From SMO, main building at ACC, taken with a flash
The same photo without a flash The lights block your night vision rather than illuminating. (Some flecks are raindrops reflecting the light situated above the door – It was raining)
The same lights after walking forward a bit
The same horrible light from a bit further forward The road would be even less visible were it not wet and reflective at the time.
The Sleat Health Centre Lights shining out all night every night in all directions, spoiling your night vision and any hope of spotting intruders, if there ever were any in Sleat
The light on Sleat School, right by the roadside Shining out all directions all night every night, dangerously spoiling the night vision of cyclists and pedestrians
The light on the school closer up
The tower at SMO with another light shining out in all directions
SMO, at the entrance to ACC The glare from the light is dangerous. The car can be seen with its back lights on, but would a cyclist or walker or anything else be seen?
The same glaring light as you approach
And from the other direction
Looking back the other direction towards the buildings Every single outside light at SMO shines out sideways, dazzling you and spoiling your night vision rather than being directed down and illuminating
Another example Useless lights in a corner where no-one goes, just spoiling the night vision of walkers in other places from where they can be seen
The light on Sleat School as seen from a car with dipped headlights
The same light and the road as seen by approaching walkers and cyclists