RCS Tool Box Talks Fire Extinguishers Some basic knowledge and tips related to the maintenance and use of fire extinguishers.
Are there rules regarding fire extinguishers? Yes, OSHA requires that they be made available and that they be maintained. (20CFR ) Local fire codes will be your best source of how many you need and the type that best fits your workplace.
How do we maintain the extinguishers? Do a monthly check (usually included in a regular inspection program for your facility). This is visual check of the physical condition of the extinguisher. –Pressure gage –Ring pin –Good physical condition At least annually, have a service come in and do a complete inspection and maintenance inspection of all extinguishers. All inspections of extinguishers should be documented (the service tag on the extinguisher is a good documentation device).
Fire Extinguishers If there was a fire, could you get to the extinguisher? If not, ask your supervisor to move it to a better location. Make sure that all employees know the location of extinguishers and periodically discuss fire scenarios to make sure they are located properly.
Using a Fire Extinguisher A good way to remember how to use the extinguisher is to use the acronym PASS P -- Pull the pin. A -- Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. S -- Squeeze the handle to activate the extinguisher. S -- Sweep from side to side while discharging the extinguisher.
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