Ramona Forever
What is the genre of the story Ramona Forever? A. Biography B. Realistic Fiction C. Mystery D. Personal Narrative
Where does the Quimby family live? B. Alaska A. Oregon C. Canada D. Arizona
What is Mr. Quimby’s name? A. Richard D. Robert B. Rodney C. Ronald
What big event is happening at the Quimby home when the story first begins? A. the marriage of Uncle Hobart B. the birth of the fifth Quimby C. the move into a new house D. the start of a new job
How do the girls feel about being home alone for the night? B. excited A. frightened C. lonely D. cheerful
Why can’t Ramona visit her baby sister in the hospital? A. She has chicken pox. D. Children under 12 can’t go into the maternity ward. maternity ward. C. She has a large rash on her hand. B. She is germy.
What does the doctor say is wrong with Ramona? A. She has an acute case of tonsillitis. B. She has siblingitis. D. She has bronchitis. C. She has a rare skin disease.
What does the doctor prescribe? A. ice cream B. attention C. a huge dinner D. a big hug
What were “the most beautiful words Ramona ever heard”? A. “Dear Heart, of course you may.” C. “Oh, Ramona, how I’ve missed you.” B. “She looks exactly like you looked when you were born.” were born.” D. “I am so proud of you.”
In the story how was the new baby described? A. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a round, pink face D. Dark, wild hair, blue-gray eyes, and a bright pink (almost red) face bright pink (almost red) face C. Black hair, a pointy nose, and cross-eyed B. Black hair, gray eyes, and a round nose
Choose the correct word: The doctor told her to stay home since the illness she had could be _____. A. unexpected D. contagious C. longed B. comfort
Choose the correct word: Taylor _____ to go to the party her friend was having on Saturday. A. unexpected C. longed B. glanced D. comfort
Choose the correct word: They were happy when their grandparents arrived for an ______ visit. A. glanced B. unexpected C. prescription D. comfort
Choose the correct word: Terry played with the younger children and was a ______ to them while their mother was away. A. glanced D. comfort C. longed B. contagious
Acknowledgements: Sound effects: Lullaby: