INTERREG IV C CALL OPEN!* *1 December April 2011 Lorenza Paolucci, TTN meeting
2 PRIORITIES: INNOVATION AND THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT AND THE RISK PREVENTION INNOVATION AND THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Theme : Lisbon agenda; Who : regional and local authorities, and other stakeholders at the regional level; What : improving their policies, methods and capacities in the field of innovation and the knowledge economy; How : through the exchange and transfer of knowledge and experience between regions throughout the European Union, and the development of new policies and approaches.
THEME The renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs in the European Union places a strong emphasis on further developing the knowledge society.… Europe’s potential for future economic development is directly linked to its ability to create and promote high- value, innovative and research-based economic sectors,… (from THE RENEWED LISBON STRATEGY
EX. OF TT PROJECTS APPROVED IN PRIORITY “INNOVATION AND TECH DEVELOPMENT” PROJECT NAME OBJECTIVESREMARKS NAN04MTo improve the regions’ capacity to shorten the gap between R & D and market testing new Research-to-Market processes, to strengthen the interregional collaboration by identifying and developing specific research and business opportunities in the field of nano/microtechnology, to increase competitiveness of innovation infrastructure at regional, national and European level, to improve the efficiency of regional innovation policies by drawing up recommendations and implementing best practices. 4 regions, 1 local author. + 1/2 research/tech centres Contribution: € Coord.: Reg. Dev. Agency of Asturias INNOPOLI S A regional/local authority + a university in Helsinki, Lodz, Manchester and Thessaloniki will perform study visits, workshops, seminars to identify regional best policy practices in the field of knowledge exchange between universities and enterprises. Coord.: Univ. of Salford INOLINKTo improve the reach (impact?) of regional innovation policies, through a better connection of actors within the regional innovation system, exchange of experiences in setting up and running of public structures and networks that support innovation and the participation in R&D cooperation of actors in peripheral areas and less innovative sectors. Coord.: Andalusian Technology Network
FURTHER INFO EVENTS 9 December -Regensburg (DE): German regional information seminarRegensburg 10 December - Erfurt (DE): German regional information seminarErfurt 17 December - Nicosia (CY): Cyprus national information seminar 13 January - Helsinki (FI): Finland national information seminar 14 January - Stafford (UK): UK regional information seminarStafford 20 January - Lithuania national information seminar 21 January - Riga (LV): Latvia national information seminar 9-10 February - Stockholm (SE): Swedish INTERREG forum and Sweden national information seminar