The Bouquet
“The Bouquet” is a fast-growing and focussed proprietory organization, specializing in creating stunning arrangements for social & corporate clients. It is a combination of several elements to produce a visually pleasing display of fresh flowers, fruits, chocolates, balloons & currency notes. Be it any occasion like birthday, anniversary, get-well, love & romance, thanks-giving, make some one smile, new baby, sympathy and weddings. We deliver it for all, at your doorstep. However, any celebration is incomplete without a sugary bite. Enjoy our ornate, edible works of art, that includes photo and message chocolates and scrumptious cakes and pastries
Fresh Flower Bouquets
Artificial Flower bouquets
Balloon bouquets
Fresh Fruit chocolate-dipped bouquets
Money Bouquets
Contact Us Proprietor: Ms. Ruksaana Jhaveri, Shop No.: 3, Shailesh bldg., Near Cumbulla Hill hospital, August Kranti Marg, Mumbai Mobile: Shop:
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