Human Evolution III
Nature, October 28, 2004
Homo heidelbergensis Kabwe (Broken Hill) Zambia kya Brain 1,280cc
Atapuerca, Spain Sima de los Huesos 300kya Brain cc Picture from National Geographic
Sima de los Huesos
Neandertals: Late Archaic H. sapiens Fit into the general scheme of human evolution, but are misfits. Brain size was larger than H. sapiens today. Face projects almost as if pulled forward. Lived in Europe and western Asia for about 100,000 years.
The Neandertal Body Shaped like arctic people Wide and muscular bodies Short distal limb segments Many serious injuries that have healed May have been hunting large game at close quarters Picture from American Museum of Natural History
Shanidar, Iraq 9 Neandertals 7 Adults, 2 infants Shanidar I –Male, 30-35yrs –5’7” –Brain - 1,600cc –Crushing blow to side of head –Probably blind –Right arm useless –Lower left arm gone - amputated? –Leg injuries that caused limping –Yet he lived!
Shanidar, Iraq Controversial “Flower Burial” Shanidar 4 40 year old man with crushed skull Ralph Solecki originally excavates Found pollen grains in clumps around body Suggests that mourners put bouquets of flowers in grave
Mt. Carmel, Israel
Tabun Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel 120kya Neandertals CONTEMPORARIES of modern humans?
Early Anatomically Modern People from Mt. Carmel, Israel Skuhl, 115kyaQafzeh, 100kya
What IS Homo sapiens sapiens?
Earliest Homo sapiens fossils Nature (2003)
Cro-Magnon 8 individuals 40kya Aurignacian tools
Pictures from BBC