Public sector culture and PSI re- use Rob Davies Theme 2 Breakout Session ePSIplus Conference funded by eContentPlus
2 ePSIplus problem analysis eGovernment is a driving force –increasingly sees itself as entrepreneurial: income generation, public sector efficiency, value etc –PSI very often not seen as part of eGovernment: good or bad thing? –confusion with outsourcing/PPP policies Lack of awareness among public sector bodies –Especially local government (n.b. different copyright regimes) –Poor articulation of objectives and benefits of Directive transposition –Unclear about relationship with other laws (data protection, FOI etc) etc –Wider value of public sector data –Weak knowledge of data availability.
3 Problem analysis (2) Lack of political leadership, champions, exemplars –no public body responsible for implementing the PSI Directive and managing copyright Cost –lack of interest/priority and money (for this purpose) Perceptions and (in)action –limited understanding/sympathy with private sector and commercial needs –‘why should we give it for nothing?’: licencing information free for non-commercial re-use, but not for commercial purposes –FOI broadly accepted: commercial re-use of PSI sometimes seen as immoral –Social inclusion: fears that access will be restricted
4 Access and standards Standardisation is initially expensive for public sector Agreement and implementation of standards is often difficult in public sector –national and European Few asset registers Missing skills/standards for description of information Missing skills/standards for pricing, licensing etc
5 Remedies? (1) Europe-wide good practice guidance –‘cherry pick’ the best of existing good practice across Europe –available in several languages via eGovernment portals etc –clear definitions of ‘ PSI’ and ‘re-use’ Include PSI within IM processes, training and formal education –develop eLearning tools
6 Remedies? (2) Articulate/market the economic and social benefits of opening up PSI –target opinion formers and policy makers –Benefits to local businesses, local area, local citizens? Clarify what public sector will gain –how to fund/recompense public sector –identify functioning business models –focus on information sectors where demand is evident eNetwork for PSI practitioners –self-support knowledge transfer service –effective for FOI?
7 Remedies (3)? Annual competitive (eGovernment) awards –Member State and European level Target private sector networks to stimulate PSI demand –impact public sector culture –Involve innovation professionals Harmonise legal guidance to public sector –across access, re-use laws, data privacy laws, data policies Include PSI in public sector performance measures –number of current PSI licences –income from the re-use of PSI –number of requests for PSI re-use received Realistic standardised action plans for asset registers
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