1 FY09 PPA Budget Kick Off Rafael Alva Charlotte Chang Oct 22, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

1 FY09 PPA Budget Kick Off Rafael Alva Charlotte Chang Oct 22, 2008

2 Managing All HEP SLAC Current OHEP organizational structure coupled tightly with the “colors” of HEP funding –KIPAC (Roger Blandford) »Majority of HEP funding is for NonAccelerator Based Activities –EPP Division (David MacFarlane) »Mostly funded by Accelerator Based Research and Detector Operations –Accelerator R&D Division (Tor Raubenheimer) » Mostly funded by the Accel R&D and ILC R&D funding LINAC related operations has transitioned from HEP to BES - LCLS »Began in 2006 and Completed by Oct 2008 »John Seeman’s organization

3 OHEP Organization KA11 KA1201 KA13 KA14 KA1501 KA1503 KA KA KA KA KA



SLAC HEP Costing Structure Total HEP Funds ~87M in FY09 Direct Program Support (DPS) Includes PPA Organizational Costs; HEP Legacy costs; Costs of activities benefiting all HEP Programs Program Costs Examples of Programs ATLAS and LARP Accelerator Based Research and Operations: BaBar, LCD NonAccelerator Based: GLAST and LSST Theoretical: KIPAC and EPP Accelerator R&D; ILC R&D… Lab wide Indirect LDRD and IGPP ~45% 3

7 SLAC HEP Programs

8 Distributions of PPA DPS

9 SLAC HEP Planning Functions Roles and Responsibilities –PPA: Steve Kahn/David MacFarlane/Rafael Alva Overseeing all HEP funds Planning Analysts: –Natalie Cramar: PPA DO, PPA Travel Commitment Files, SCCS/TIS in Ops Directorate –Regina Franco (60%): BaBar Groups & Collaboration; ATLAS –Linda Price: GLAST ISOC, GLAST Physics, LSST, SNAP, PPA EE & ME, EXO, LCD and KIPAC Physics & Computing –Dora Yu: Accel Research Depts, including AARD, ACD, Beam Physics, ATR, LC and Test Facilities


11 PPA Budget Planning Specifics  Planning Principles 1.Prioritized Bottoms up Budget A.Activity based – has to be realistic & justifiable. B.List items by Priority 1-3, 1 being the highest 2.By Charge Numbers, where charge numbers represent activities, and 3.By Names  Desired Outcome of budgeting and Planning Exercise 1.Transparency 2.Ability to make difficult decisions 3.Ability to reallocate & prioritize based on program driven needs and schedules

12 Budget Planning Specifics – FY09 –Net decrease in dollars to fund Programs – Higher increase in Lab Wide Indirect –New Rates: IGPP and LDRD, 1% respectively Funding required to fix lab’s M&O issues (SII ~2Mil) –Headcount actions continue to require Directorate approval: –replacement –extension –additions –Charges to Linac Ops – Need to go through the BES/LCLS WorkScope budget planning Process

13 Budget Planning Specifics – FY09 (cont’d) - M&S requires a Program Driven and a prioritized bottoms-up approach => Program Directors work with supporting departments to define the scope of work and understand the resources required to carry out the work => Bottoms up and prioritized approach to travel budget planning  Travel is controlled by DOE  Cannot swap between M&S and Travel  Conference Approval – long lead time – 75 Days  Mandatory Planning Tool: PPA Travel Logs  Not in the log – delayed approval

14 FY09 Budget Planning (Cont’d) –New LDRD Proposals PPA will have a few approved LDRD proposals New Proposals call in late spring 2009 –Other Important factors to consider  Identify possible non-DOE/HEP funding  Identify Financial Plan Transfers via MOAs long lead time Might need Subcontracts  Purchased Equipment, CEPs and GPP/Infrastructure Include in the Budget Template Same Due Date, Nov 15  Tasks and activity schedules  Needs in 09 for long-lead procurements

15 PPA Budget Templates

16 Budget Templates Cont’d – Travel Planning  New DOE Office of Science approval requirements for attending “events”

17 FY09 Budget Planning Process and Schedule *Baseline budget (BA0.0) will consist of the following: 1) all current staff with appropriate labor distribution for the year 2) Approved incoming new hires 3) M&S: 08 based - irrelevant; relevant 09 specifics to be provided by Programs/depts. WhenWhatWho Oct 22, 2008Kick Off Budget ProcessPrograms/Depts Funded by HEP Funding - PPA & NonPPA Depts Oct 29, 2008FY08 Costs available; Budget Templates available upon requests PPA Planning Office Oct 23 – Nov 7, 2008* FY09 Preliminary Baseline budget (BA0.0) Meetings PPA Planning Office and Dept/Prgm Heads

18 FY08 Budget Planning Process and Schedule WhenWhatWho Nov 7, 2008 Initial Budget Requests Submitted to Planning Office Programs and Dept Heads Nov 14, 2008 Initial Budget Roll up for PPA PPA Planning Office WhenWhatWho Nov 21, 2008 PPA Directors - Review PPA Directorate Dec 1-5, :1 Bgt Meetings with PPA Directors PPA Dir & Planning/ Div/Dept Heads Dec 17, 2008 Distribution Prelim BA 1.0 (CR) PPA Planning Offices

19 Questions and Answers FY09 Linac Ops Transition Completed Long CR – 5/12 of funding thru Feb 28,09 Transitioning to new programs: ATLAS, FACET, Super B…. Communications needed at ALL levels !