The ACA provides in the law that 501(c) (3) hospitals must: ◦ Conduct a CHNA at least once every 3 years ◦ Include in the assessment information from: “persons who represent the broad interests of the community served by the hospital facility, including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health” (ACA §9007(a), I.R.C. §501(r)(3)(B)) ◦ Make the assessment widely available to the community
The ACA also provides that hospitals must: ◦ Develop an implementation strategy (Community Benefit Plan) to meet the needs of the CHNA ◦ Describe needs not addressed by the plan ◦ Explain why those needs are not being addressed
Standards for National Public Health Agency Accreditation require every 5 years: ◦ a Community Health Needs Assessment ◦ a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) ◦ a Department Strategic Plan DOH is a resource for hospitals to use our data as a foundation for hospital CHNA
CHNA conducted every 3 years Community Benefit Plan required every 3 years Benefit plan includes strategies to address needs Required to meet community benefit regulations Collaboration with public health, community stakeholders, and consumers required Use of secondary data strongly encouraged Definition of Community flexible CHNA conducted every 5 years CHIP required every 5 years CHIP includes strategies to address needs Required to meet agency accreditation standards Collaboration with community stakeholders, e.g., health systems, and consumers required Use of primary and secondary data required Definition of Community defined NFP HospitalsPublic Health Dept.
MAPP provides a framework for: Stakeholder collaboration Comprehensive CHNAs Unique Community Benefit/CHIP Systemic approach to improve health outcomes