It provides a central source of assistance to communities both large and small, It requires communities and agencies to communicate, It requires cooperation at multiple levels, It provides consistency in information that is helpful to many, It provides a fair competitive process for acquiring funding, Balanced funding from the state will provide stable growth, A central source of assistance (Vision West) gives all communities one voice at the highest levels of government, It provides consistency in regulatory standards, A Regional Approach to Land Planning, Why?
Cooperation of state agencies, counties, cities and other political subdivisions Identify a state agency to facilitate local planning efforts, Identify other agencies that would support the primary agency, Sub-agencies; D.O.T., a Planning Agency, Establish planning legislation, GA Regional Transportation Authority Office of Planning & Budget Atlanta Regional Commission Municipalities Dept. of Community Affairs Counties
Powers and Duties Advise the Governor’s office on the state of economic development and planning statewide, Coordinate and supervise planning efforts of state agencies and local agencies, Establish procedures to improve communication and coordination amongst agencies in respect to planning,
Approach to Consistency Create planning legislation, Create Master Plan standards, Provide incentives for communities to comply with planning standards and legislation, Develop sub-agencies to assist local governments to come into and stay in compliance with planning standards and legislation, Require coordination and competition of NDDOT funds, Require coordination and competition of planning funds,
Regional Commission - Vision West? Establish Vision West as the key regional commission for western communities; who has legislative influence and recognition at the state level, It’s purpose would be to assist local communities manage their planning and infrastructure projects, Provide programs that will provide incentives for local agencies to develop plans and projects that promote sustainable communities and economic development, Become the clearinghouse for funding for local government, Coordinate funding and land use projects with NDDOT projects,
End Result Greater community input and involvement, Greater communication and coordination between state and local government agencies, Consistency, Competition of state funds, Compliance with Century Code (Chapter 40-48), (Chapter ) that all cities and counties must follow their comprehensive plans when planning their communities,
Implementation Tools Statewide planning standards, Regional Impact Standards, Consistency, Competitive state programs focused on better planning, Compliance with Century Code (Chapter 40-48), (Chapter ) that all cities and counties must follow their comprehensive plans when planning their communities,
Discussion - Questions Ray Pacheco, Project Manager