AHEAD PPGES Goal Development Workshop for Principals/Assistants and Superintendent/Designee of the CURVE
Based on one of the four ASSIST Goals Based on school need Based on The TELL Kentucky Survey The Professional Learning Necessary to Accomplish the SGG and WCG PPGES Goal and Action Plan PGP State SGG Local SGG WCG
PrincipalAssistant Principal Independent Professional Growth Plan and Self Reflection Develops a State and Local Student Growth Goal and Action Plan in collaboration with the superintendent/designee Inherits the Principal State and Local Student Growth Goal and Action Plan Develops a Working Condition Goal and Action Plan in collaboration with the superintendent/designee Inherits the Principal Working Condition Goal and Action Plan
Principal Goal-Setting Process Step 1: Determine needs Step 2: Create specific growth goals based on baseline data Step 5: Determine goal attainment Step 3: Create and implement leadership and management strategies Step 4: Monitor progress through on- going data collection 4
Possible Data Sources Available On-Line Open House: School Report Card & many additional sources of relevant data CIITS: School and District Data-Reports and Indicators TELL Kentucky Survey VAL-ED (if available) Other… Other School Specific Data Teacher SGG Teacher Observations CSIP Discipline Referral School and Community Plan Safety Plan Other….
Principal Self-Reflection on Standards: (Bring completed self-reflection to the training) What are my greatest strengths and areas of weakness? Instructional/Academic Data SourcesSchool Environment Implications-Data Sources Analysis: Open House & School Report Card CIITS-School and District Reports and Indicators Teacher Growth Goals Student Work Teacher Observations, etc. Other: Bring print copies or be able to access electronically. Analysis: TELL Kentucky Survey VAL-Ed Survey-if Applicable Other Surveys Referrals Informal Conversations Other: Bring print copies or be able to access electronically. Principal Reflection: State and Local SGG What direction does my early data review lead me with the determination of an ASSIST Goal (trend data). What does the data tell me about local school academic need? What is our gap need? Principal Reflection: WCG What are the lowest agreement levels with the TELL Kentucky Survey? Do I see a pattern? What category seems to surface? What questions? How does the TELL Need align with the Principal Standards? What additional data supports this finding? Talking Points to Share with my Superintendent about a possible direction for State and Local Goal: (List your talking points) Talking Points to Share with my Superintendent about a possible direction for my Working Conditions Goal. (List your taking points) Principal Pre-Planning Template for KVEC Goal Development Working Session
Principal SGG-2014/15 Principals develop a Local and State Growth Goal at the beginning of the year. Goals will be revisited and strategies may be revised at mid- year and/or end of the year review. Principals will receive only local student growth data at the end of the year (1st year no state goal data). Conversations and feedback during the year helps ensure principals are progressing toward meeting the goal. The local SGG process/rubric will be used to determine H, E or L on local goal and that would give student growth rating for determining an overall rating. The following year, principals have two points: local and lagged state data. 7
PPGES Student Growth Goal Both Goals are inherited by the Assistant Principal At least one goal must be based on Gap Population The local goal may be developed to parallel the State Contribution
State Contribution (SGG) (E-M-H) Decreasing achievement gaps (E-M-H) (E-M-H) Increase average combined reading and math K-PREP scores (E-M-H) (M-H) Increasing percentage of College and Career Ready students (M-H) Increase average freshman graduation (M-H) rate(M-H) 9
GOAL Achievement Gap K-PREP Combined Reading and Math College and Career Ready Freshman Graduation Rate COLLABORATION Increase or decrease in goal percentage for the current school year Develop a process and/or rubric to determine goal attainment STRATEGY Best Practice Professional Development Progress Monitoring Consolidated Planning Other The goal statement, found in the School Report Card, is already set by KBE with a 2017 trajectory. Determined by the Principal in collaboration with the Superintendent following District CEP guidelines. PRINCIPAL The strategies are specific to what the PRINCIPAL will do to meet the stated goal and objective. 10
Get Ahead of the Curve Let’s Do IT! : Develop the Draft State SGG Go to KDE (education.ky.gov) Web Site From the homepage Click on the School Report Card Icon Sort for district and then school Find Your School Report Card From the Homepage click on the Delivery Targets Tab to find the 2014/15 goal trajectory. Explore the data under the Assessment Tab to find specific gap and group. Proficiency/Gap CCR Graduation Rate
Sample: State ASSIT SGG By September 2015 ABC Middle School will increase the average Combined reading and math K-prep scores from 50.2% to 53.2% as measured by state test. By September 2015 ABC Middle School will increase the average Combined reading and math K-prep scores from 50.2% to 53.2%. This increase will reflect a 10% increase in proficiency in the students with disability from 26.7% to 36.7% as measured by state test. By September 2015 ABC Elementary will increase 8 th grade proficiency in math from 44.3 % to 53.2% as measured by state test. By September 2015 ABC Middle School will increase the percent proficiency in the students with disability from 26.7 % to 36.7 as measured by state test. 12
Your Turn Sample State Goal Template By September 2015 ___________________________School will Your School Name increase the number of ______________________________________ Your Target Content and Student Population scoring proficient/distinguished from_________ to _______________ Actual Score ASSIST Target as determined by state testing. Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic but Rigorous Time Limited
Now that I have direction for STATE SGG Could I use that foundation to develop my LOCAL SGG?
The State Contribution is derived from Growth Goals developed around one of the interim targets housed in ASSIST. Local Goal – Based on School Need It may be developed to parallel the State Contribution or it may be developed with a different focus Based on Gap population unless State goal is based on Gap population. Do Your SGG Parallel?
If my State and Local SGG do parallel. Why do I need to develop two SGG’s? What might be some common elements of each plan? How might the plans be different? 16
1.Determine Need (Based on Multiple Data Sources) 2.Create specific growth goals based on baseline data 3.Create and implement leadership and management strategies 4.Utilize district decisions to create a rubric to determine goal attainment 5.Monitor progress through on-going data collection 6.Determine goal attainment Local Goal Setting-Navigating The Curve 17
Get Ahead of the Curve Review the local data that you have collected Many school specific data sources are housed in CIITS School and District Data. School Level Reports of local assessments can be generated here. Don’t Overlook School evidence and documentation (example- Teacher SGG, Student Work, etc.) Explore your school academic needs What is a possible base line data source Let’s Do IT! Develop the Draft Local SGG
Sample: Local Growth Goal By May 2015 ABC Middle School will increase the percentage of 8 th grade math students meeting the benchmark on the MAP Testing from 55% Percent to 65%. Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic but Rigorous Time Limited
Your Turn Sample Local Goal Template By May 2015 ___________________________School will Your School Name increase the number of ______________________________________ Your Target Content and Student Population scoring proficient/distinguished from_________ to _______________ Local measure voc. Actual Score Local Measure Target as determined by _________________. Local Assessment Measure Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic but Rigorous Time Limited
Examples: State Goal & Rubric Assist goal: By September 2015 ABC Elementary will increase the average combined reading and math K-prep scores from 60% to 68% LowExpectedHigh Below 68%68%Above 68% LowExpectedHigh 62% and Below63%-71%72% and Above 21
Rating State & Local Goals For each Student Growth Goal the districts develops and details the process for determining high, expected, and low growth. This process/rubric is outlined in the District Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP). Let’s review our District CEP to develop a common understanding of the district decisions rules and/or rubrics to measure high, expected and low growth on each specific goal. 22
What Now? State and Local Goal Statements are written. A process/rubric for determining goal attainment has been reviewed. If time allows we will return to the development of the action plan after we have all goals developed. MOVING ON TO WCG 23
WCG: Organizing for Success TELL Data Survey Results Crosswalk Tell and Standards KVEC TELL Kentucky Working Condition Survey Tool or some method to organize the survey. Other relevant data sources 24
How will the WCG look in ? Last year’s PPGES pilot principals are entering the second year of a two-year WCG planning process. All other principals will develop a one-year WCG plan based on the 2013 TELL SURVEY. 25
WCG Basics The WCG development is a collaborative process between principal and superintendent/designee. Principals are responsible for setting a two-year Working Conditions Growth Goal based on the most recent TELL Kentucky Survey. The principal WCG is inherited by the assistant principal. * It is desirable that the assistant principal is an active participant in all goal development. 26
Principal Goal-Setting Process Step 1: Determine needs Step 2: Create specific growth goals based on baseline data Step 5: Determine goal attainment Step 3: Create and implement leadership and managem ent strategies Step 4: Monitor progress through on-going data collection 27
Two-year goal, continuing process Identify an area of growth Collaborate to create a goal, strategies and understand the rubric for goal attainment. Check progress at the end of the first year Modify strategies/actions if needed and continue with goal implementation Determine level of goal attainment 28
WCG Step by Step Review TELL Data Organize TELL Survey Question to determine an area of focus Select Survey Focus Question and Support Survey Questions Connect to the Principal Performance Standards Develop a WCG statement Develop a rubric to evaluate the WCG Develop the WCG Plan/Strategies Ongoing reflection on progress 29
Determining need: identify an area of growth Focus Survey Question Supporting Survey Question 30
Target Question(s) from TELL Kentucky Results: Q4.1 a. Parents/guardians are influential decision makers in this school. 52.2% agreement Q4.1 f. Parents/guardians support teachers, contributing to their success with students. 40% agreement Q4.1 g. Community members support teachers contributing to their success with students. 42.7% agreement Q4. 1h. The community we serve is supportive of this school. 50.4% agreement 31
Target Principal Performance Standard Performance Standard 5.7 provides a variety of opportunities for parent and family involvement in school activity. NOTE: This principal chose to expand the standard focus to involvement of parent/family in the academic success of the student. 32
Let’s Do it! Refer to your pre-planning data analysis or 1.Go to 2.Click on survey results. Explore the reports available 3.View the short TELL KY video (optional) 4.As a group discuss the possible methods of organizing survey results to determine: Area of need Greatest focus for impact on student achievement Focus on areas where the principals has the great control 33
Activity: Connecting WCG To Student Achievement Purpose: To identify and agree upon a focus area for the WCG that has the potential to strongly impact student achievement. Materials/resources: You will need most recent TELL Survey Data (link or hard copy) Some method of organizing your school TELL Kentucky Data. Relevant data support sources VAL-ED survey results (if available) other school surveys anecdotal records etc. 34
Sample: WCG Statement By May 2015, I will provide a variety of opportunities for parents/guardians to participate in activities that contribute to the academic success of their child. A focus will be placed on how the parent can support teachers in academic areas. My success will be measured by an increase in agreement rate on TELL Survey Question 4.1 f. from the current 40% to 70%. 35
Your Turn Sample WCG By May 2015 I will ______________________________________________ (What changes will you implement based on TELL and support data?) My Success will be measured by an increase in agreement rate on __________TELL Question (s) List Q # From _____________ to ______________. Current Rate Goal Rate *This is a two year goal. How will you know if you are making progress toward meeting the target. Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic but Rigorous Time Limited
Sample WCG rubric The rubric is established when setting the WCG Goal in collaboration with the superintendent. An accomplished result is the expected outcome from the goal. To achieve exemplary the goal must be exceeded. District decision rule for accomplished is a range from -5 points to goal. IneffectiveDevelopingAccomplishedExemplary 40% and below 41%-64%65%-70% 71% and above 37
Time out! Use your District Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) to review district process and apply decision rules to goal rubric development. 38
On to the PGP Why did we leave the development of the PGP to last?
Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection All principals and assistant principals will participate in Self-Reflection and Professional Growth Planning each year. PGP Goals SITE VISIT CONFERENCES SGG and WCG PERCEPTION SURVEYS SELF- REFLECTION 40
Self-Reflection and Self-Assessment Six Principal Standards 1.Instructional Leadership 2.School Climate 3.Human Resource Management 4.Organizational Management 5.Communication and Community Relations 6.Professionalism 41
Self-Reflection and Self-Assessment Documents 42
Reflecting on Student Growth Goal How can the SGG provide focus and direction for the PGP? 43
Reflecting on the Working Conditions Goal 44 How can a WCG provide focus and direction for the PGP?
Reflecting on Site Visit Conferencing 45
Using Multiple Sources of Evidence Self-Reflection What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning? How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? How will I know if I accomplished my objective? The principal/assistant principal should connect the PGP Goal to the appropriate performance standard. 46
Sample PGP Goal During the school year I will increase parental involvement in school sponsored academic focused events in an effort to communicate and obtain greater parent support for supporting their child’s reading and math achievement. Measures of my success can be determined by parent event’s agendas and sign in, school to home communication documentation, and teacher midpoint survey on TELL survey Q4.1 F. 47
Your Turn Sample PGP During the School year I will __________________________ (What professional growth will you target based multiple sources of data and aligned to principal standards. In May 2015 my success will be measured by _____________________________________________________________ This will likely be documentation or growth on the principal standards rubric and not an actual assessment measure Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic but Rigorous Time Limited
On to the Action Plan Principal and superintendent/designee collaborate to clarify SGG, WCG, and PGP Focus. They also connect the focus area to one or more of the Principal Professional Standards Develop Goal Statements Review the district CEP for goal achievement rubric/process. Develop an action plan 49
Planning Tool: Developing an Action Plan What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning? How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? What resources will I need? How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? What resources will I need? How will I know if I accomplished my objective? 50
Goal Action Plan: Reflection Student Growth What do I want to change about my instructional leadership that will effectively impact student learning? Working Conditions What do I want to change about my leadership or role that will effectively impact working conditions in my school and their impact on student learning? PGP What professional learning and personal growth is necessary for me to achieve the SGG and the WCG? 51
When SGG, WCG, and PGP= Principal Standard Strategies/Actions for SGG, WCG and PGP What will I need to learn and do in order to impact the SGG and the Working Conditions Goal How will I apply what I have learned? How will I accomplish my goal? Resources/Support o What resources will I need to complete my plan? o What support will I need? Targeted Completion Date o When will I complete each identified activity
Jennifer Carroll Abbie Combs Questions? More Information?