Clear thinking on Nuclear: Waste disposal 1.One site for high-level radioactive waste is easier to monitor, regulate, and secure 2.A repository will provide for the long- term isolation and storage of used nuclear fuel 3.Strong Federal oversight ensures the repository’s safety and security
One site for high-level radioactive waste makes sense A single repository like Yucca Mountain is easier to monitor, regulate,and secure. Used (spent) nuclear fuel consists of ceramic pellets encased in metal tubes. It is not a liquid, a gas, or green ooze. It cannot explode and does not burn. Indefinite on-site storage is not a real option.
Yucca Mountain: safe, secure, long-term storage For decades, the National Academy of Sciences has recommended disposing waste underground to ensure the protection of public health and the environment. The unique combination of rock characteristics and deep water table make the Yucca Mountain site capable of isolating the waste. The repository will be approximately 1,000 feet below the land surface and 1,000 feet above the water table.
Strong Federal oversight and regulatory requirements The DOE is required to characterize, obtain approval for, construct, manage, and operate the geologic repository. The EPA is required to develop site-specific radiation standards for air, groundwater, food, and soil, designed to protect the public health and environment. The NRC is required to license and develop standards for geologic disposal and to apply radiation standards established by the EPA.
ANS Resources ANS Report the EPA proposed Yucca Mountain standard report.html report.html Other resources