Places in the School Oficina de subdirector Assistant principal’s office
Places in the School Auditorio Auditorium
Places in the School Salón de música Band hall
Places in the School Campo de béisbol Baseball field
Places in the School Baño de niños Boy’s restroom
Places in the School Cafetería Cafeteria
Places in the School Salón Classroom
Places in the School Laboratorio de computadoras Computer labs
Places in the School Consejería Counselor’s office
Places in the School Octavo grado Eight grade
Places in the School Onceavo grado Eleventh grade
Places in the School Quinto grado Fifth grade
Places in the School Primer grado First grade
Places in the School Camp de fútbol americano Football field
Places in the School Cuarto grado Fourth grade
Places in the School Baño de niñas Girl’s restroom
Places in the School Gimnasio Gymnasium
Places in the School Pasillo Hallway
Places in the School Biblioteca Library
Places in the School Oficina principal Main office
Places in the School Centro de audiovisuales Media center
Places in the School Baño de hombres Men’s restroom
Places in the School Noveno grado Ninth grade
Places in the School Enfermería Nurse’s office
Places in the School Patio Playground
Places in the School Oficina del director Principal’s office
Places in the School Baño Restroom
Places in the School Laboratorio de ciencias Science laboratory
Places in the School Segundo grado Second grade
Places in the School Oficina del secretaría Secretary’s office
Places in the School Séptimo grado Seventh grade
Places in the School Sexto grado Sixth grade
Places in the School Sala de maestros Teacher’s lounge
Places in the School Cancha de tenis Tennis court
Places in the School Décimo grado Tenth grade
Places in the School Tercer grado Third grade
Places in the School Pista Track
Places in the School Doceavo grado Twelfth grade
Places in the School Bebedero Water fountain
Places in the School Baño de mujeres Women’s restroom