TCLDA Design status Collimation Upgrade Specification Meeting 18-09-2015 L. GENTINI.


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Presentation transcript:

TCLDA Design status Collimation Upgrade Specification Meeting L. GENTINI

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 2/10 Overview Design Jaws Actuation system Vacuum tank Lay-out Status

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 3/10 Actuation system Collimator “V” interconnection points. Collimator replacement without realignment Support assembly “V” interconnection points. Collimator replacement without realignment Collimator Actuation system

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 4/10 Completely new design never manufactured General -Active length 600 mm -Brazed cooling circuit -3x screwed tungsten blocs each jaw (30x20x200 mm) Or solid block in Glidcop? -Cantilever jaws Cooling system -1x Square pipes (9 mm edge, CuNi) -3x cooling pipes in the central cross-section Instrumentation -2x temperature probes (PT100) each jaw -2x Beam Position Monitor each jaw RF system -RF fingers + St. steel screens 600 mm

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 5/10 Tungsten blocs RF fingers RF screens St. Steel Bloc Support Glidcop Back stiffener Glidcop Tank axis Cooling pipes CuNi RF fingers

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 6/10 BPM Tapering slope: 10° RF screen St. Steel Tapering slope: 15° Screen RF contact CuBe C17410 Extremity RF contact CuBe C17410 RF contact CuBe C17410 Screen RF contact CuBe C17410

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 7/10 Completely new design never manufactured Movement -Two step motors each jaw  Jaw tilting -Stroke: -5  25 mm -Spring-back: in case of electrical short-cut the jaws must not go in beam direction Instrumentation -3x LVDT each jaw: 2x absolute movement, 1x relative movement (anti-collision) -3x switch assemblies each jaw : 2x absolute movement, 1x relative movement (anti-collision) Spring Roller screw Step motor Axis Movable table LVDT Switch

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 8/10 Completely new design never manufactured -Manufacturing process based on Ph.II tank. Electron Beam welded Stainless Steel. -No cooling system Fix RF fingers Flexible RF fingers NEW DESIGN OF THE EXTREMITIES To gain longitudinal space, the bellows after and before the collimator will be integrated into the tank transitions. Longitudinal stroke: +5; -15 mm Radial stroke: ±10 mm

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/2015 9/10 Vacuum Equipment -2x D NEXTorr Pumps (integrated NEG Ion pump) -1x VVFMF DN 40 valve for mobile pumping -2x VGPB DN35 Penning pressure gauges -1x VGRB DN16 Pirani pressure gauge This lay-out agree with VSC group allows to solve previews integration conflicts VVFMF DN40 valve NEG Ion pump Penning gauge Pirani gauge BPM feedthrough

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/ / D models Expected by DrawingsMaterial orderManufacturing date Collimator : JAWs, Tank, actuation system End Ready to go1 prototype: to be discussed 2 collimators: To be discussed Support End of Supports : to be discussed

Luca Gentini EN/MME 18/09/ /10