Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey.
Hagia Sophia was built from 532 to 537 A.D. It was finished 1,476 years ago.
Hagia Sophia
The Hagia Sophia was built by architects, Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. They designed a framework of arches and vaults.
The Hagia Sophia has been used as a model for the design of Islamic mosques.
The Hagia Sophia dome was 102 feet (31 meters) in diameter
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia is a Greek phrase that means “Holy Wisdom”. In Turkish it is spelled “Ayasofya’’.
Hagia Sophia is used for Eastern Orthdox Cathedral ( ).
Hagia Sophia
I chose Hagia Sophia because it’s a museum that looked cool and it seemed interesting. http ayasofyamuzesi.gov.tr/en/images/anaresim.jpg ://www.
Bibliography page/new7wonders-of-the-world-finalists/ finalists/hagia-sophia a-d-istanbul-turkey/