Team Justin Beiber haters Three Muslims Empires Team Justin Beiber haters
Ottoman Empire The ottoman controlled much of Europe, Asia, Africa The ottoman empire was a political and cultural force. The ottoman warriors began to take over the byzantine empire 1453: Mehmed II ( he led the Ottomans) took over the byzantine empire Renamed Constantinople to Istanbul and made it his new capitol Also, he made the Hagia Sophia a Mosque A sultan after Mehmed expanded their empire to the east and all of the Asia Minor or Anatolia Mecca and Medina also accepted the ottoman empire Under Suleyman I, the empire reached it’s height While he still ruled, the ottomans took control of eastern Mediterranean
Ottoman Society Divided in two groups There was a ruling class and in that class, there were people who advised the sultan and military matters and legal matters, and judges, The others were mostly people from lands that the ottoman’s have conquered Women had limits in society Women usually lived in a harem ( a place apart from men)
Mughal Empire Founded by Babar “tiger” Located in Agra, India Under the emperor Akbar, the empire grew They were Turkish Muslims but they had a tolerance for other religions Akbar thought that not one single religion had answers to everything In the 16oo’s, their empire nearly controlled all of India New emperor changed religious policies Strict laws of religion were ordered Hindu temples destroyed A religious group ( the Sikhs) were persecuted people protest and had war elephants sent on them Revolts broke out and soon the empire fell
Achievements Taj Mahal Art work that was a mix of cultures
Savadid Empire The Savadids were Persian Muslims The savadids gained conflict with the Ottomans started by an old disagreement that split Islam into two groups. The Sunni and the Shia The Shia believed that only Muslims related to Muhammad could become caliphs but the Sunni thought that you didn’t have to be related to Muhammad in order to become a caliph. You just had to be a strong and a good Muslim Empire began in 1501 when their leader Esma’íl took over Persia He was Shah (or Persian king) He made Shiism, beliefs of Shia, the official religion of the empire Wanted to take over other Muslim kingdoms and convert them all to Shiism
A New Leader and a mix of cultures and a great economy 1588, ‘Abbas became shah Helped military Gave them gun powered weapons Greatly helped Savavid They mixed Muslim and Persian traditions Had great art work The Shah’s mosque had beautiful art It was built for ‘Abbas Culture plays a role in economy because ’Abbas encouraged making products that were traditional The Savavids were masters at making products Merchants wanted to trade and this brought great wealth
Map of Ottoman
Map of Mughal Empire
Map of Savavid