Welcome to The Early Middle Ages
Political map of Europe 1998
Purse cover from the Sutton Hoo ship burial Discuss portability of Migration Art Purse cover from the Sutton Hoo ship burial Animal style of the Eurasian nomads
Animal Head from Oseberg ship burial
Christ as Ruler of the Universe, Mosaic in the apse of the Cathedral of Monreale in Sicily
Colossus of Constantine I
Typical Basilica plan Larger worship halls were necessary after the Edict of Milan since there were now many more people practicing Christianity.
The Church of Holy Wisdom – Hagia Sophia
Monreale Cathedral, Sicily
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna
Mosaics are a collage of sorts of many small lieces of glass, stone, marble, and gold leaf arranged into images. Decorating with mosaics was very popular during the Middle Ages.
Copy of doves from Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli
Illumination from the book of Kells
Crocodile in the Aberdeen Bestiary