ETP European Telecommunications Platform Presented by: Ernst Weiss Former Chairman ETP E T P
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM l Inaugurated 4th February 1998 l Merger of: –ONP-CCP established 1991 as platform of private sector interest groups to monitor and consult on development of ONP regulatory framework –E I F established 1995 as private sector forum to assist in implementation of ONP regulatory framework
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM l Objectives: –Forum for exchange of views –Seeking consensus in contradicting views to avoid disputes and clarify reasons for misunderstandings –Monitor and assist the implementation process and address EU regulatory issues in a wider context as ONP by: l producing position papers l replying to consultation requests l creating Guidelines & Codes of Practice for use in EU member states
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM l The Organisation: –Presently over 80 member organisations: –Membership open to: l Fixed and Mobile Operators (new and incumbent) (48 %) l Service Providers (23 %) l Manufacturers and Suppliers (23 %) l Business Users and Residential Consumers ( 6 %) –Decision Making Process: l Plenary, which meets 5 times per year for 2 day-sessions l Administrative Board:Chairman,Deputy and WG Chairmen on administrative matters only.
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM l The Functional Structure (1): –Chairman:Brian Edwards (ECTEL) –Secretariat:Dieter Unger c/o Fabrimetal, Brussels –Working Groups (9+1 see following charts) –Drafting Groups (1 see following charts)
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM l The Functional Structure (2): –Active Working Groups: General RegulationK.Meinhold Interconnection Pricing ModelV.Hill Dispute ResolutionsL.Baeriswyl Interconnection of Leased LinesE.Weiss MobilityC.Bizios/D.Clays Framework Interconnection Agreement GuidelinesM.Taylor Network Integrity/Interconnect Testing M.Bavazzano Special Network Access-Code of Practice F.De Cock CLI GuidelinesC.Pham
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM l The Functional Structure (3) –Working Group to be approved: Convergence & Information Society –Drafting Group: Terms of Reference/Rules of ProceduresB. Edwards
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group General Regulation –Background ONP-CCP Mandate –Objectives: l To monitor the development of regulatory frameworks and keep members duly informed on current issues. l To review position papers from members and other sources. l To comment EU regulatory issues in a wider context l To foster creation of specialised drafting or working groups on dedicated issues of members concerns.
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Interconnection Pricing Model –Background: DGXIII A1 request 3 November 1997 to develop a comprehensive set of price parameters to compare interconnection pricing between member states, including l off peak, as well as peak rates, l non-traffic dependent charges l universal and access deficit contributions –Objectives: l to produce a set of price elements/parameters that better reflect the real price of interconnect for call termination l to develop model applicable in all member states l to produce one or more ‘standard baskets’, agreed by the industry, as suitable for comparison purposes
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Dispute Resolution –Background: Created internally from discussions within WG General Regulations to identify and analyse existing options for resolution of disputes, to raise awareness and to propose future directions. –Objectives: l to identify and catalogue existing procedures and bodies which provide for dispute resolutions l to analyse the potential feasibility of applying the dispute resolution mechanism provided by these bodies l to analyse how this issue is able to affect or improve the economical impact of the newly open telecommunications market.
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Interconnection of Leased Lines –Background: DGXIII A1 request 30.May 1996 to review the practices for interconnection of leased lines across intra European borders and possibly other methods of achieving defined levels of Quality of Services and Availability. –Objectives: l assessment of elements justifying differences in tariffs l survey of situation in Europe l review situation of provisioning on quality of leased line services
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Mobility –Background: Created 1997 after review of the ONP-CCP WG Mobile Comms in order to broaden its scope and to encompass the increasing number of technologies and products within its workplan. –Objectives: l to consider any topic related to Mobility which applies to one or two way mobile communication, provided by any type of network or system, fixed, mobile, terrestrial or satellite or a combination of these, but excluding “broadcasting”. l to review progress of regulatory measures and related position papers, keeps members informed on developments. l to foster creation of specialised working/drafting groups on issues of members’ concerns
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Framework Interconnection Agreement Guidelines (FIAG) –Background: Very active working group with wide representation which was created 1995 through internal discussions in ONP-CCP/EIF to assist interconnection negotiations. –Objectives: To provide “Living documents” to be adapted as checklist for new entrants and basis for model agreements –Issues : 1: June 1996, 2: April 1997, 3: in progress (mid-1998), Covering: –Direct Cross-border Interconnection, –Number portability –Carrier selection/ pre-selection –Confidentiality
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Network Integrity/Interconnection Testing –Background : Created internally from EIF WG FIAG to detail its recommendation on network integrity and interconnect testing. –Objectives: to produce guideline to assist EU operators by drawing on experience from current activities and covering the following concerns: –Network Integrity: –Current situation no problem –Use of non-channel associated signalling is growing l Interconnection Testing: –Organisation & documentatiom (of the testing process) –Management of the testing process –Definition of the testing phases –Operation and maintenance procedures
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group Special Network Access - Code of Practise –Background: Created internally from EIF WG FIAG –Objective: To provide Code of Practice for agreement between 2 parties seeking special network access (SNA). To include: l Flow diagram of procedure l Extending to access (xDSL) l Definition of requirements needed for Service Providers
ETP E T P EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM WORKING GROUP MANDATES l Working Group: Convergence & Information Society –Background: Created internally from discussions within WG General Regulations to identify and analyse aspects related to the Green Paper on Convergence and for the 1999 regulatory review. –Objective: To focus on : l Convergence and its implications on regulatory issues l The 1999 review of the regulatory situation l Other issues related to the development of the Information Society as not dealt with by other ETP WGs