Mercury in the global environment: sources and biogeochemical cycling Daniel J. Jacob with Hannah Horowitz, Helen Amos, Anne Soerensen, Bess Corbitt, Yanxu Zhang, Elsie Sunderland and support from NSF, EPRI
Using models of atmospheric composition and climate to interpret observations and gain knowledge of processes Group photo (2013)
Presently doing way too many things Climate-chemistry-land interactions Biogeochemical cycle of mercury Next-generation of GEOS-Chem SEAC4RS aircraft campaign Chemical data assimilation and ESMs Global budget of black carbon N American sources of methane Scale issues in models Ammonia emissions, nitrogen cycling Tropospheric halogen chemistry Aerosol scavenging Deriving VOC emissions w/ satellite HCHO, CHOCHO Health effects of SE Asian fires Aerosol forcing of Arctic climate CO2-CO error correlations for inverse modeling Geostationary satellites Role of PAN In tropospheric chemistry Lightning interannual variability N American background ozone
Mercury in the global environment: sources and biogeochemical cycling Daniel J. Jacob with Hannah Horowitz, Helen Amos, Anne Soerensen, Bess Corbitt, Yanxu Zhang, Elsie Sunderland and support from NSF, EPRI
Electronic structure of mercury Mass number = 80: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d10 6s2 Complete filling of subshells gives Hg(0) a low melting point, volatility Two stable oxidation states: Hg(0) and Hg(II)
Biogeochemical cycle of mercury ANTHROPOGENIC PERTURBATION: fuel combustion mining VOLATILE WATER-SOLUBLE oxidation Hg(0) Hg(II) volcanoes erosion ATMOSPHERE OCEAN/SOIL Hg(0) Hg(II) particulate Hg reduction biological uptake burial uplift SEDIMENTS
Rising mercury in the environment Global mercury deposition has roughly tripled since preindustrial times Dietz et al. [2009]
Human exposure to Hg is mainly through ocean fish consumption Tuna is the #1 contributor Mercury biomagnification factor EPA reference dose (RfD) is 0.1 μg kg-1 d-1 (about 2 fish meals per week)
Mercury is a global pollutant Implies global-scale transport of anthropogenic emissions Anthropogenic Hg emission (2006) Hg emitted anywhere can deposit to oceans worldwide Mean Hg(0) concentration in surface air: circles = observed, background = GEOS-Chem model Transport around northern mid-latitudes: 1 month Hg(0) lifetime = 0.5-1 year Transport to southern hemisphere: 1 year Streets et al. [2009]; Soerensen et al. [2010]
UNEP Minimata Convention on Mercury Opened for signatures in October 2013; already signed by 91 countries Requires best available control technology for coal-fired power plants Mercury mining to be banned in 15 years Many mercury-containing commercial products to be banned by 2020 Convention requires ratification by 50 countries to go into effect Only ratifying country so far has been the US (November 6)
Historical inventory of global anthropogenic Hg emissions Large past (legacy) contribution from N. American and European emissions; Asian dominance is a recent phenomenon Streets et al. , 2011
Global biogeochemical model for mercury 7-box model with 7 coupled ODEs dm/dt = s(t) – km where s is primary emission Transfer rate constants k are specified from best knowledge thermocline Primary emissions Model is initialized at natural steady state, and then forced with anthropogenic emissions for 2000 BC – present; % present-day enrichments are indicated Amos et al. [2013]
Characteristic time scales for Hg global biogeochemical cycle from eigenanalysis of 7-box model ~1-year time scale for exchange between atmosphere and surface/subsurface ocean; ~100-year time scale for transfer from surface reservoirs to deep ocean; ~10,000-year time scale for dissipation of perturbation to deep mineral reservoir Amos et al. [2013]
Time scale for dissipation of an atmospheric emission pulse Reservoir fraction Pulse gets transferred to subsurface ocean within a few years and stays there ~100 years, maintaining a legacy in the surface ocean Pulses injected in surface ocean or terrestrial reservoirs have similar fates Amos et al. [2013]
Global source contributions to Hg in present-day surface ocean emissions Human activity has increased 7x the Hg content of the surface ocean Half of this human influence is from pre-1950 emissions N America, Europe and Asia share similar responsibilities for anthropogenic Hg in present-day surface ocean Europe Asia N America S America former USSR ROW pre-1850 natural Amos et al. [2013]
What can we hope from the Minimata Convention? Effect of zeroing global anthropogenic emissions by 2015 Zeroing anthropogenic emissions would decrease ocean Hg by 30% by 2100, while keeping emissions constant would increase it by 40% Elevated Hg in surface ocean will take centuries to fix; the only thing we can do in short term is prevent it from getting worse. Amos et al. [2013]
Observed mercury decline in/above North Atlantic Cruises Mace Head, Ireland Total Hg [pM] Seawater 2000 2008 1979 1983 Mason et al. (2012) 1990-2010 data from ship cruises show a 50% decrease over North Atlantic Surface ocean Hg in North Atlantic also show a 50% decrease for 1990-2010, while subsurface Hg shows a 80% decrease The atmospheric decrease can be explained by the subsurface ocean decrease Soerensen et al. [2012]
Ubiquitous mercury decline recorded in sediment cores at coastal margins of the North Atlantic Zelewski et al. (2001); Harland et al. (2000); Mansson et al. (2008); Bopp et al., Ch 26; Steinberg et al. (2004); Varekamp et al. (2003) Observations suggest a 1950s-1970s peak in mercury discharge Riverine inputs were then ~5 times greater than present-day. Amos et al., in prep.
Decreasing Hg input to subsurface North Atlantic, 1970-2000: driven by disposal of Hg-containing commercial products? 1970 2000 Disposed Hg-containing commercial products incineration Hg(II) Hg Hg N AMERICA, EUROPE wastewater, leaching Hg Secondary wastewater treatment and phase-out of Hg from commercial products would have greatly decreased Hg input to the subsurface N Atlantic Sørensen et al., 2012
Importance of riverine input for ocean Hg: distinguishing between ocean basins Simulated Hg at 310 m depth in ocean MIT GCM 70% of Hg in coastal discharges is removed by deposition to estuaries/shelf Gulf Stream efficiently transports North American Hg across Atlantic Zhang et al., in prep.
Disposal of Hg in commercial products: a missing component of the Hg biogeochemical cycle? Global production of commercial Hg peaked in 1970 Commercial Hg enters environment upon use or disposal; much larger source than inadvertent emission Could this explain the observed environmental Hg decreases over the past two decades? Horowitz et al., in prep
Hg is found in many commercial products Medical Devices Wiring Devices & Industrial Measuring Devices Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products Just pictures of paint Lamps Batteries Split into two if necessary Cosmetics - Products contain up to 60,000 PPM – generally >1 ppm is restricted
Hg is found in many commercial products (cont.) Dyes/Vermilion Pesticides and Fertilizer Explosives/Weapons Just pictures of paint Lamps Batteries Split into two if necessary Cosmetics - Products contain up to 60,000 PPM – generally >1 ppm is restricted Horowitz et al., in prep
Tracking the ultimate environmental fate of commercial Hg Total Global Mined Hg % GDP % GDP Developed Countries Use Developing Countries Use Disposal Disposal Air Land Water Air Land Water Recycled goes back into Hg supply. Have an arrow of that. It would be better to add the Hg supply back in to the mined amount. The recycled has to go somewhere – feeds back into Hg supply. Now we have Hg consumption in each product: next step is where does it go. Quantifying five ultimate fates: Landfill Landfill Horowitz et al., in prep;;;;
Global historical Hg consumption Other Pesticides/Fertilizer Explosives/Weapons Dyes/Vermilion Mg yr -1 of Hg Personal Care/ Pharmaceuticals Measuring & Control, Wiring Batteries Dental Medical Paint I HAVE PRESENTED METHODS BEFORE INCLUDE METHODS OF HOW TO DO THIS IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL SLIDES -fine tuning, MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS TIME & LAST TIME IS CHLOR ALKALI!!!!!! More consistent with global importance of chlor alkali!! ---- can touch base w/ David Kocman --- explain what other is !!! Lamps Lab/ Chemicals Silver & Large-scale Gold Mining Artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) Chlor-alkali Horowitz et al., in prep
Fate of Hg varies with use, country, decade Example of batteries Fill in the atmosphere thing !! Light blue! Horowitz et al., in prep
Fate of Hg varies with use, country, decade Example of lab chemicals PUT WATER INSTEAD OF SURFACE OCEAN Think about whether I want to animate or not! Snapshot of modern day changed really dramatically To look in a little more detail of what is currently included in atmospheric emissions inventories and potentially missing sources to models, on the left is global anthopogenic atm. Hg emissions broken down by source process for 2008 and on the right is the consumption of primary mined Hg for 2005. Not only is the amount of Hg used in commercial applications larger than the total direct atmospheric emissions, but there is little overlap between the two inventories – notably chlor-alkali and artisanal gold mining, and waste incineration which will account for releases from the disposal of some of the products on the right chart like batteries. Even for chlor alkali and gold mining there is much more Hg used than is in the direct atmospheric emissions inventory. We can assume that all of the mined Hg used in commercial products will eventually enter the environment on a timescale and in a way that depends on the type of use. Thus, models that only include direct atmospheric emissions are missing ,, From wikipedia: caustic soda = lye = sodium hydroxide; chlorine used in all kinds of applications like drinking water. “Sodium hydroxide is used in many industries, mostly as a strong chemical base in the manufacture of pulp and paper,textiles, drinking water, soaps and detergents and as a drain cleaner.” Horowitz et al., in prep
Historical contribution of commercial Hg to environmental release Additional releases from commercial Hg in the context of atmospheric emissions Historical contribution of commercial Hg to environmental release Could this drive the observed environmental Hg decline? Mg yr -1 of Hg Landfilled Soil Water Make streets orangey red two tone!!!!!!!! From Mined Hg and non-Hg mined related sources! Streets et al. (2011) mined Hg sectors Additional Air Streets et al. (2011) other sectors Horowitz et al., in prep Estimate: “Distribution factors”: fraction of Hg entering each pathway “Release factors”: fraction of Hg released into air, water, land
Adding commercial Hg to global biogeochemical box model Atmosphere Landfills freshwater Estuaries Oceans Soils HMA: I would write “methylmercury” instead of CH3Hg – it’s more recognizeable Hg is naturally occurring in rocks. Under the natural mercury cycle, Hg is released into the atmosphere from the lithosphere through volcanoes, outgassing, and weathering. Once in the atmosphere, Hg actively exchanges with the terrestrial and ocean surface until it is eventually buried in deep ocean sediments and returned to the lithosphere through subduction. Humans have increased the amount of Hg removed from deep stable reservoirs to be actively cycling in surface reservoirs through industry, mining, and combustion of fossil fuels. This is a cause for concern, because Hg in aquatic environments – both freshwater and oceanic - can be converted to methylmercury, which is a neurotoxin that bioaccumulates in fish. humans and wildlife are primarily exposed to this toxin by eating contaminated fish. We need to understand how much mercury in the environment and in fish is anthropogenic in origin and how it cycles through the environment in order to create policy to reduce exposure and to assess the effectiveness of proposed policies. Mineral Pool Landfills, estuarine/shelf sediments are viewed as terminal sinks
Pesticides & Fertilizer all-time releases at year 2008 Biogeochemical redistribution of commercial Hg after release in environment Pesticides & Fertilizer Batteries All Products 4% Release pattern, 1850-2008 Recycled 11% Mineral <1% Estuarine Sediments 9% Atmosphere <1% Atmosphere <1% Recycled 3% Atmosphere <1% LANDFILLS SEQUESTER HG VERY SUCCESSFULLY SHOW THE RELEASES FIRST How the biogeochem cycle redistributes the Hg after its released Add recycled Thoughts: - Shades of green are the overturning timescales – short to long is light to dark green; same for ocean - landfills are very effective at retaining/sequestering Hg - Regardless of initial input distribution a large portion is retained in the subsurface ocean consistent with Helen’s results – from atmospheric emission and deposition to the ocean – all Hg entering the system must eventually go through the ocean to the deep ocean to be sequestered in sediments and buried and the timescale over which we are looking fits well with the timescale of Hg in the subsurface ocean. Relatively more is in deep ocean for pesticides & fertilizer than for ASGM because of the temporal trajectory: Pesticides and Fertilizer were important from the 1930s to 1990s, ASGM releases are primarily in the last 2 decades and so less has had time to make it to the deep ocean relative to the subsurface ocean. A question for my work is how important are the soils – how large are these reservoirs and how effective is the Retention of Hg in soils? How much does get reemitted back to the atmosphere. Freshwater Sediments 7% Soils 16% Soils 22% Fate of all-time releases at year 2008 Fresh Sed 10% Landfill 4% Est. Sed 8% Soils 43% Ocean 23% Landfill 56% Ocean 32% Landfill 15% Ocean 35% Horowitz et al., in prep
Atmospheric mass of Hg constraint from observations Addition of commercial Hg to global biogeochemical model requires consideration of additional sinks Atmospheric mass of Hg Model with products Mg of Hg constraint from observations Model without products We have a problem!!!!!!!!!! Understanding tuned to just consider atmospheric emissions. Adding more sources – running into it w/ helen’s work too.. Retention in soils? More efficient transfer to armored and slow pools (relative to the respiration out etc) Change can’t be coming from the atmosphere Need more efficient transfer away from the active pools Omg!! Model was built/developed without inputs from products Figure out a way to say that -taking framework that didn’t have any knowledge of products Need to adjust system – most uncertainty in terrestrial environment; Bess – mechanistic – her new cycling and put products in; we get more consistent picture Work in progress! Still refining budget etc Uncertain fluxes; need to look into speciation etc; Look @ range We’re currently high – refining estimates; looking at categories with uncertainty – pesticides; paints; We aren’t dismissing anyone’s work; continue to refine based on new science Build on things; add new information – bess’s t Show lower range 4600 – 5600 Mg!! I would remove the dashed lines to simplify the plot. Make point that you increase atm loading by 50%, also change the trend over past few decades I don't think that the second bullet is useful. It's a distraction. You can still make that point orally, that Corbitt is the latest version of the model and includes reduced... Third bullet is ambiguous. You KNOW that the discrepancy can be resolved through refining of your substance flow analysis (like Hg2 speciation) and adjustment of ocean evasion. We are missing a sink in the atmosphere – it will be something I need to address. Need some hypotheses. Incinerators emitted a lot of oxidized mercury: Streets: huge emission ratio of oxidized to elemental in incinerators!! Rate of reduction; Hg deposition. Remove reduction – bring down atmospheric reservoir, would go in right direction but Diurnal cycle of elemental mercury – dry deposition of elemental mercury could be increased. Horowitz et al., in prep lkj
Improving the model of Hg terrestrial storage GEOS-Chem model compared to observations Hg is bound to organic carbon; decrease ratio of Hg to C released during soil respiration from 16% to 3% (Obrist et al., 2012) This increases the stockage of Hg in stable soil reservoirs and may help to accommodate the additional Hg from discharge of commercial products Corbitt et al., in prep