Matching Grants
What is a Matching Grants? Support international humanitarian service projects TRF matches contributions by clubs and districts in two or more countries Clubs collaborate
Matching Grants Overview of the MG process Preparing to complete an application Completing application, step-by-step Helpful hints
Clubs drafts application Application reviewed by Region Coordinator Latin America & Caribbean – Jim Peterson Africa & Europe – Denny Skinner Asia – Rachel Litwiller Application approved by DGSC Chair Overview of Process
Application received, acknowledged Application reviewed Grant approved Agreement form, contributions, payee information returned to TRF Overview of Process
Payment issued Reports submitted Final report reviewed File closed
Read Matching Grant application Visit the Humanitarian Grants Web Page Read The Guide to Matching Grants Inform/request support from the district MG Region Coordinator Preparations
Application Deadlines Applications received July 1 - March 31 Applications approved Aug 1 – May 15
Project Description Who, what, where, when and how Continuity of project after the grant Detailed description of Rotarian activities
Host & International Partners Club information Provide all contact information Contacts must be in good standing with RI All contacts must be in sponsoring club
Project Budget Itemize expenditures Supplier names must be provided Invoices not required, but may be requested Indicate exchange rate
Project Financing Financing must equal budget Calculate in US$ Indicate cash or DDF DRFC chair and DG must authorize use of DDF
Project Financing TRF MatchTotal Host Club Cash$100$50$150 D6000 Club Cash2,5001,2503,750 DDF3,750 7,500 6,3505,05011,400
Project Planning All questions must be answered Equipment cannot be owned by Rotarians or Rotary clubs Customs clearance must be arranged
Competitive Grants Grant requests from US$25,001-$200,000 –Community Needs Assessment
Authorizations Authorizations signed by current year officers Club-sponsored vs. district-sponsored All signatures must be submitted with the application (otherwise application will not be processed)
Cooperating Organizations Cooperating Organization vs. beneficiary Letter of participation from Cooperating Org Letter of endorsement from host partner
Final Report Both sponsors are responsible for reports –Should include input from both sponsors Club / district handling grant funds should take the lead in reporting
DGSC Review District grants subcommittee must confirm that the application is complete Host or international partner Does not guarantee Trustee approval
Completion Checklist Helpful to ensure that the application is accurate and complete
MG#71872 – RCs of Sandton, SA & Fairfield & Kalona, IA & Weston, FL