Warren G Harding Ohio Gang Teapot Dome Kellogg-Briand Pact Lease Isolationism Copy each of the following in your Social Studies Notebook. Define or describe each term Calvin Coolidge
What factors led to Harding’s election to presidency in 1920? What actions did the United States take to promote peace in the 1920s? What role did Harding and Coolidge think the government should take in people’s lives? List examples of corruption that appeared to exist during Harding’s presidency. What made the election of 1920 unique? Describe the event that led to Calvin Coolidge becoming President of The United States. Who was Nellie Taylor Ross and Miriam Ferguson? What makes them notable to the history of the United States? Analysis In your Social Studies notebook, copy each of the analysis question and provide a complete answer based on your reading.
Herbert Hoover Later became president in 1928
Click Link below: Warren G Harding: A Term of Corruption and Scandals
Click the link below: Calvin Coolidge Honesty & Prosperity
ISOLATIONISM, former U.S. foreign policy doctrine advocating the avoidance of alliances with other nations in order to maintain freedom of action in world affairs. Never applied to economic or cultural affairs, isolationism was aimed primarily at keeping the young nation aloof from dynastic and nationalistic struggles among major European powers.