DEVELOPMENT GATEWAY Unleashing Results: Motivating Observations Susan Stout September 22, 2015
Country use is the heart of the problem Source: The Roadmap for Health Measurement and AccountabilityThe Roadmap for Health Measurement and Accountability
Central Government Local Government Clients / Consumers ‘on the ground’ Civil Society & Private Sector State/Provincial Government Donor Agency Donor Authorizing Environment Utility for Service Provision Level of Investment in Information Level of Investment in Information But measurement efforts concentrate at the top of the pyramid
Authorizing Environment Public Value Implementing Organization What is the results ecosystem? Depends on Context
District CouncilFarmers District Department of Agriculture What is the results ecosystem?
National Plan and Budget Households and Families Ministry of Health What is the results ecosystem?
The tyranny of good intentions – multiple donors, multiple systems National level and sectoral leadership typically not well-informed by ad hoc, project-specific M&E. Director Donor Project 3 Donor Project 2 Donor Project 1
Input Process Output Outcome Impact! Supply Demand The “Results Chain”
Beware two diseases! Indicatoritis Resultsophobia