OB Case Conference
M.T.E. 25 y/o Single Catholic Marikina City admitted for the first time in QMMC on May 15, 2011
Labor pains
Few hours PTA (+) labor pains ▪ described as irregular contractions, occurring every minutes, with a pain scale of 6/10, radiating to the pelvis and back. ▪ No associated symptoms such as vomiting, fever and blurring of vision were noted. Persistence of symptoms prompted consult at QMMC OB-ER hence admitted
General: (-) weight loss (-) easy fatigability CNS: (-) loss of consciousness, headache HEENT: (-) blurring of vision, eye pain, tinnitus, ear pain, epistaxis, sorethroat RESP: (-) difficulty of breathing, (-) cough, (-) colds CVS: (-) chest pain, (-) palpitations GIT: (-) vomiting, (-) constipation GUT: (-) dysuria, (-) hematuria, (-) oliguria M/S: (-) limitation of movement, (-) joint pain
LMP: August 05, 2010 AOG: 39 weeks 2 days by LMP PNCU x 4 : St. Vincent Hospital PNCU x 3: QMMC
Prenatal medications: Multivitamins – OD starting at the 1 st trimester until 3 rd trimester Ferrous sulfate – OD starting at 2 nd trimester until 3 rd trimester
Menarche at the age of 12 days interval Duration of 5-6 days Able to use 2-3 pads per day, moderately soaked Associated with dysmenorrheal symptoms
First coitus at the age of 18 With one partner No history of sexually transmitted diseases
Denies used of birth control methods (artificial or natural)
(-) Hypertension (-) Diabetes mellitus (-) Cardiac Diseases (-) Pulmonary Diseases (-) Kidney and Liver Diseases (-) Allergies (-) Surgeries
(+) Hypertension- Mother (+) Colon Cancer – Father (died of Myocardial Infarction) (-) DM (-) Pulmonary tuberculosis (-) Goiter
Housewife Living in for 2 years to a 24 year old man Non- smoker, non-alcoholic drinker Denies any history of illicit drug use
General Survey: -patient is awake, alert, cooperative and not in cardiorespiratory distress Vital Signs: BP- 110/60 HR- 92 bpm RR – 18 cpm T emp C HEENT anicteric sclera, pink palpebral conjunctiva
Thorax and Lungs Symmetrical chest expansion (-) Retractions Clear Breath Sounds Cardiovascular Adynamic precordium Normal rate regular rhthym No murmurs
Abdomen Globular FH: 32 cms FHT: 140 Pelvic Examination IE: cervix- 2 cms dilated, 50% effaced, Cephalic in presentation, Station (-) 3, (+) BOW, floating
G 1 P 0 (0000) Pregnancy uterine 39 weeks 2 days AOG by LMP, CIL
G 1 P 1 (1001) PUFT Cephalic Arrest in Cervical Dilatation 2 0 to CPD, delivered via LTCS I to a live Boy AS 9.
DayMDs OrdersLabs And Imaging Medication IV Fluids Vital Signs and Symptoms Day 1: 5/15/11 1:00 AM Admit to LR/DR Secure Consent NPO VS + FHT and progress of labor every hour CBC results normal IV Ampicillin 2g ( )ANST IVF D5 LR x 8 hour BP: 110/60 HR: 92 bpm RR: 18 cpm Temp: 37.4 C Day 1: 5/15/ :30 AM Anesthesia Post-OP orders: S/P LTCS I under SAB To RR O2 2-3 LPM via nasal cannula Hook to Pulse Ox Monitor VS q15 x2 hours then q 30 until stable NPO - IVF: D5LR 1L x 8 hours + 20 iu oxy D5NM 1L x 8 hours D5LR 1L x 8 hours Ketorolac 30 mg IV q8 x 3 doses Nalbuphine 10 mg IV q4 x 6 doses Omeprazole 40 mg IV OD while NPO Ampicillin 1g IV q6 () ANST 02 Sat-100 HR: 83 BP: 110/80 Day 1 5/15/ :00 PM To ward E Continue meds Clear liquids VS q4 Refer accordingly --
Day 2 5/16/2011 8:00 AM S/P CS Day 1 May have water and tea/crackers; then soft diet for dinner IVF to consume VS q4 please Remove IFC Refer accordingly Hgb 127 Cefalexin 500 mg capsule TID x 7 days Mefenamic Acid 500 mg cap q6 Vit C tab OD FeSO4 tab OD Stable VS (-) Flatus (-) BM Day 3 5/17/ :00AM S/P CS Day 2 Soft diet then DAT once w/ BM Continue Oral Meds For COD today VS q4 please Refer accordingly -- Stable VS (+) Flatus (+) BM Day 4 5/18/2011 8:00 AM S/P CS Day 3 Continue Meds Continue Daily Wound Care Advise for discharge Sched OPD WBC: 7.0 Amoxicillin 500 mg capsule every 6 hours x 7 days Mefenamic Acid 500 mg cap q6 Stable VS (-) Pallor (-) Fever
Dystocia Difficult labor Characterized by abnormally slow progress of labor Most common indication for primary CS
1. Abnormalities of the expulsive forces 2. Abnormalities of the maternal bony pelvis 3. Abnormalities of the presentation, position or development of the fetus 4.Abnormalities of soft tissues of the reproductive tract that form an obstacle to fetal descent
1. Abnormalities of the Powers (uterine contractility and maternal expulsive effort) 2. Abnormalities involving the Passenger (the fetus). 3. Abnormalities of the Passage (the pelvis).
Failure of cervix to dilate or presenting part to descend Characterized by lack of progress in any phase of cervical dilatation
At least 4 cm dilated Regular, frequent, usually painful contractions Dilate at least cm/hr Are not comfortable with talking or laughing during their contractions
Diminished pelvic capacity Excessive fetal size
Diminished pelvic capacity Any contraction of the pelvic diameters that diminishes the capacity of the pelvis that can create dystocia during labor ▪ a. Contracted pelvic inlet ▪ b. Contracted midpelvis ▪ c. Contracted pelvic outlet ▪ d. Pelvic fractures and rare contractures
a. Xray Pelvimetry b. Computer Tomographic Scanning c. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Excessive fetal size Fetal size alone is a seldom explanation for failed labor
a. Intrapartum Infection ▪ After the membrane ruptured, bacteria can enter the amnionic fluid, traverse the amnion and invade the decidua and chorionic vessels thus causing maternal and fetal bacteremia and sepsis. ▪ Infection may complicate prolonged labor and pose a serious danger both to mother and fetus. b. Uterine Rupture ▪ Abnormal thinning of the lower uterine segment that can create a serious danger during pronged labor.
c. Pathological Retraction Ring
d. Fistula Formation e. Pelvic Floor Injury f. Postpartum Lower Extremity Nerve Injury
a. Caput Succedaneum b. Fetal Head Molding Factors associated with molding: ▪ 1. Nulliparity ▪ 2. Oxytocin labor stimulation ▪ 3. Delivery with a vacuum extractor