Political Systems
1.Republic A republic is _________________________________. Type of government in which the citizens of a country have an active role in the affairs of the government, and the government is not headed by a hereditary ruler such as a king. Takes its name and inspiration from the Roman Republic. __________________________________________________________________________________________
What does “federal” mean? Republics There are different types of republics. The United States of America is a _________________________________________. What does “federal” mean? “ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ” …..Tenth Amendment Others: _______________________________________ Islamic: based on religious law, limits extent of peoples’ freedom & involvement.
Republics Are the words republic and democracy synonyms? Are all republics democratic??? Not necessarily… A Republic is representative ___________________(the Constitution). A _____________________________________________(mob rule). A Republic recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs (the public good). In a Republic, the rights of the majority are protected by laws.
Republic & Democracy A republic is a form of government _____________ which provides for the election of: ______________________, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create ___________________________________. ___________________________________. No inherent protection for minorities. Potentially a mob-ocracy!
Blue: Countries which describe themselves as ‘DEMOCRATIC’
2. Direct Democracy __________ make the ___________ for the state. Three Pillars ____________—enables citizens to draft laws and amendments and place them on the ballot for a popular vote ____________—provides for a popular vote on laws passed by the legislature ____________—allows citizens to remove elected officials from office Manpower intensive, requiring all citizens to be actively involved in the governing process.
3. Representative Democracy ________________________________________________________________________ Representatives are chosen by elections. Ruling body acts on behalf of the people. What are the advantages to this form of democracy? (People can change their minds) 2004 Election 2008 Election
The United States: A Purple Nation?
4. Parliamentary Democracy No clear cut separation of power between Executive & Legislature Most have two executives _____________________________________ Head of Government is picked by the legislative body
The United Kingdom The Crown: Queen Elizabeth II, The Head of State Parliament: Led by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, The Head of Gov’t
UK Gov’t: How it Works: The Queen takes little direct part in government, and must remain strictly neutral in political affairs. However, the legal authority known as the Crown remains the source of the executive power used by the Government. A key principle of the British Constitution is that the Government is responsible to Parliament. Unlike many other nations, the UK has no single constitutional document.
2 Minute Break!
North Korea’s Kim Family Autocratic Systems North Korea’s Kim Family
Are there advantages to this system? (Easy Button Government!!!) 1. Dictatorship __________________________________________________________________________________ Power is given with or without consent. (ex: Nazi Germany) Are there advantages to this system? (Easy Button Government!!!)
Where are they found? Latin America Asia Africa Notice any common features? Lack of democratic tradition, poor economies. Many come to power through democratic elections, but then refuse to surrender power. For example: Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez was elected in 1999 then rigged the elections to remain in power until his death in 2012.
Dictatorship __________________________________________________________________ Controls all aspects of government. Limits outside influence on population. Cult of personality. ____________________________________________ Frequently have coup d'états or other action directed against their leadership.
2. Theocracy
Theocracy __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In many theocracies, government leaders are members of the clergy, and the state's legal system is based on religious law.
Let’s consider Iran’s theocracy: Who’s in charge? Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or President Hassan Rouhani Answer: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei
Leadership based on Religious Law Law proclaimed by the ruler is also considered a divine revelation, and hence the law of God. Laws tell people how they must act. Come directly from religion and tradition. Examples: Bible’s Ten Commandments & Islam’s Sharia.
Current Theocracies ___________ ______________________—Shia cleric who oversees virtually the entire gov’t—controls the armed forces. President—oversees day to day running of gov’t and interacts with other world leaders. Monarchy’s power to rule derived from the ______. The ______ is the Saudi constitution. King must act in accordance with Sharia, which is Islamic law. Non-hereditary, elected theocracy that is ruled by the Bishop of Rome (the Pope). The Pope is chosen by a small College of Cardinals (high ranking clergy) based on Divine Guidance. Theocracy Review