MDC Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Coordinating Committee October/November 2010
Developing the Plan
To change lives through the opportunity of education. As democracy’s college, MDC provides access to high quality teaching and learning experiences that are accessible and affordable to meet the needs of our diverse students, and prepare them to be responsible global citizens and successful lifelong learners. The College embraces its responsibility to serve as an economic, cultural and civic beacon in our community. MDC’s Mission
The vision of Miami Dade College is to be a college of excellence, renowned for its values: 1.An exceptional learning environment 2.A culture of inquiry and evidence 3.An exceptional work environment 4.Quality community partnerships 5.A commitment to cultural initiatives 6.Sustainability practices 7.Resource development and operational efficiencies 8.Global reach and awareness MDC’s Vision and Values
Exceptional learning environment 1.Review and transform curriculum and its delivery to optimize student access and success. 2.Strengthen instructional support to optimize student progression and degree/certificate completion. 3.Develop a comprehensive student support model that focuses on engagement and excellence in service. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Culture of evidence 1.Integrate MDC Learning Outcomes into the fabric of the curriculum. 2.Create a systematic approach to data collection and dissemination. 3.Identify and promote appropriate indicators of learning and success. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Exceptional work environment 1.Implement policies to promote work/life balance. 2.Develop creative incentives for performance. 3.Increase professional development and external learning experiences for faculty and staff. 4.Implement a strategic human capital management plan. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Quality community partnerships 1.Develop comprehensive college-wide approach to cultivating and managing community partnerships. 2.Develop relationships with MDCPS that foster college readiness for graduates. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Commitment to cultural initiatives 1.Increase the number of students, faculty and staff participating in cultural initiatives at every campus. 2.Elicit greater community participation in cultural programs sponsored by the College which reflect the varied interests of the County. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Sustainability practices 1.Address environmental sustainability in all operations of the College to promote positive impact on the environment. 2.Educate students, staff, and community to be contributors to a healthy planet. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Resource development and operational efficiencies 1.Maximize federal, state, local and internally-developed resources. 2.Optimize use of resources by fostering culture of continuously enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. 3.Invest in technologies that foster competitive advantages for students and community. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Global reach and awareness 1.Develop learning experiences that prepare students to be global citizens. 2.Enrich the learning experiences of students and the academic community through global connections. 3.Promote rich diversity and inclusive nature of MDC. MDC’s Strategic Goals
Moving forward this fall, the SPCC will…. Share the planned goals and objectives Form college-wide action & advisory teams Identify measures to monitor progress Invite volunteers to participate Assist campuses and areas in aligning plans/priorities MDC Strategic Plan
Value 1: “An exceptional learning environment…” Goal 2: Strengthen instructional support to optimize student progression and degree/ certificate completion. Objective 1: Implement and evaluate promising, cost- effective strategies to improve student progression and success, particularly in targeted areas including high-risk courses and lower achieving student groups. For example…
Support Center Department Goal: To develop and implement a Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program that targets CHM1033 and MAT0020, two high-risk courses on campus. Individual Level: Director of Support Center’s goals may align with the Campus and Department goal as follows: Goal: Develop programs and materials to train SI facilitators (tutors) and SI Administrators Goal: Train Lab Managers to serve as SI Administrators and trainers Individual Level: Lab Manager’s goal might be… Goal: Participate in the SI Administrators Training Workshop Goal alignment example 1:
Academic department goal: To have faculty teaching high risk courses implement Supplemental Instruction in their classes. Individual Level: Chair may align with the Campus and Department goal as follows… Goal: Provide professional development workshop about SI for faculty in target courses. Individual Level: Faculty member’s goals might be… Goal: Participate in the SI Training Workshop Goal: Offer SI in at least one of the high risk classes he/she teaches Goal alignment example 2:
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