Immunoglobulin Isotypes Definition - Antigenic determinants that characterize the classes and subclasses of heavy chains and types and subtypes of light chains
Immunoglobulin Isotypes Occurrence Importance Ig levels Definition Location IgM (kappa) IgG1 (kappa)
Immunoglobulin Allotypes Definition - Antigenic determinants specified by allelic forms of the Ig genes Location Occurrence – Source of anti- allotypic Abs IgG1 (kappa) Person 2 IgG1 (kappa) Person 1
Human Immunoglobulin Allotypes Nomenclature – G1m(3) – Km(1) - G2m(23)
Human Immunoglobulin Allotypes IgG – 25 Allotypes IgA2 – 2 Allotypes k (L) – 3 Allotypes
Immunoglobulin Idiotypes Definition - Unique antigenic determinants present on individual antibody molecules or on molecules of identical specificity
Immunoglobulin Idiotypes Definition Location IgG1 (kappa) Person 1 anti-B IgG1 (kappa) Person 1 anti-A
Immunoglobulin Idiotypes Definition Location Importance V region marker Regulation of immune responses
Immunoglobulin Idiotypes Definition Location Importance V region marker Regulation of immune responses Vaccines
AgIdanti-Id + - Anti-Idiotype Vaccines AgIdanti-Id +
Anti-Idiotype Vaccines Ag + Ab Ag / Ab + Ab = Ag Anti-Id-Ab Vaccine