DO NOW – SHORT ANSWER We have been watching the documentary Gasland. In your opinion, which facts or statements have been the most shocking and/or the most interesting to you. Explain and be prepared to share your answer.
Early Release Day Homework and Announcements Due: Chapter 5 Summaries (Extra Credit) ~ Replaces lowest quiz grade. Finish reading chapter 5 & 6 The Sacred Balance. Have you ordered quarter 2 book yet? ◦Book: The River of Grass by Marjory Stoneman Douglas Quarter 1 Project due on October 20 (2 weeks >)
David Suzuki saysDavid Suzuki says…. The non-climate environmental impacts of gas extraction alone are enough to give us pause. But the natural gas study also concludes that it is not a good way to fight climate change. To begin, although it is cleaner than oil and coal, burning natural gas still produces greenhouse gas emissions, as does the industrial activity required to get it out of the ground. Greater investments in natural gas development may also slow investment in renewable energy. Would owners of gas-fired power plants built in the next few years willingly cease to operate them — or accept the costs of capturing and storing carbon emissions — as the push for deeper greenhouse gas reductions increases? The real solutions to climate change lie with conservation and renewable energy, such as solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal power.
Al Gore Says Al Gore Says …. Forum host Michael Krasny: What do you think about the anticipated fracking expansion in California? Al Gore: I’m concerned about it. It has pluses and minuses. Advocates have long pointed out that natural gas has only 50 percent of the CO2 content when it’s burned compared to coal. But a lot of it leaks in the fracking process. And when the methane leaks into the atmosphere, each molecule has 70 times the potential warming effect compared to CO2 over a year period, and then it lessens somewhat. But that means not very much needs to leak to wipe out the advantage.
Gasland – Why does this documentary resonate with so many people?