Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC) Framework Data Development Program Proposal 2015 – 2017 Biennium Presentation Radon Map of Oregon Clark Niewendorp Industrial Resources Geologist Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
2 Relationship to Oregon Framework Addition of a statewide GIS radon map for the Natural Occurring Hazardous Materials (NOHM) element of the Hazard Theme DOGAMI is the data steward
3 Why have a statewide Radon Map for the Natural Occurring Hazardous Materials Element of the Hazard Theme? Carcinogen Second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and the leading environmental cause of cancer mortality in the United States (EPA) Educational Outreach Increase public awareness; important part of the Oregon Public Health Division’s educational outreach Provide reference material, contribute to methodology and scientific aspects Policy and Regulation Currently only 1/3 of counties in Oregon require new homes are built with radon-resistant features Provide scientific support for Radon policies Potential to change and update policy and regulation throughout Oregon—encourage building code requirements Homes Sales Nearly 1 out of 15 homes in the U.S. have elevated radon levels Risk Analysis Understand the potential of the problem by relating the radon hazard to the spatial location of existing buildings The only way to know whether an area has a radon problem is to map it!
4 Collaboration/Partnerships Design and Development of the Data Layers DOGAMI NOHM Std Comm.OHA OSU/PSUUSGSDEQDAS-GEO Radon Coalition NRC Oregon Lung Assoc
This map is used incorrectly… This map can’t be used to project radon hazards… This map can focus radon outreach and encourage testing… 5 The need:
The Radon Potential Map will be developed using five factors to determine radon potential 1.Geology 2.Indoor radon measurements 3.Rock & soil geochemistry (e.g. U & Th) 4.Aerial radioactivity 5.Soil survey/permeability 6 classification scheme to define the radon potential in a grid with a multivariate categorical classification scheme number of categories will be defined through a decision matrix
8 Task 2015 Q Q Q1 & Q Q3 Standard & Stewardship Plan Development Data compilation(radon, geology, geochemistry, & geophysics) Data Development (potential & pilot) Data QA/QC Metadata Authoring/Report Writing/Map Creation Project Timeline with Major Milestones
9 PERSONNELMths Funding Requested Salaries Project Investigator (NRS III) Data Compilation 4.5$ 38,862 Data QA/QC 1.0$ 8,636 Report Authoring 1.0$ 8,636 Geologist (NRS IV) Risk Analysis 1.0$ 10,067 Publication Specialist Open-file Preparation 0.5$ 4,094 Indirect Costs 22.70% N/A$ 15,957 In-kind See Table 3 N/A$ 17,266 Total Project Cost $103,518 Total FIT Funds Requested$ 86,252 PartnerItemIn-Kind OHADevelopment and improvements to the indoor radon test kit data (statewide) $8,628 DOGAMIStandard & Stewardship Plan Development$8,638 Total$17,266 Budget Breakdown Partner contributions Project budget
10 Deliverables Deliverables to be funded by this proposal and distributed to the Oregon Spatial Data Library are the following: Statewide map of radon generation potential Geodatabase of radon grid data with FGDC metadata DOGAMI digital data publication of GILO as a geodatabase with FGDC metadata Open-file report of the radon classification and procedures including a companion report describing the risk analysis (pilot study) Oregon Natural Occurring Hazardous Materials Data Standard and Stewardship Plan, Version 1.0—an OGIC-endorsed standard that includes radon. Not funded by DAS-GEO funds