1 Norfolk Girls Softball Technical Operations Roles & Responsibilities November, 2011
2 Website Vendor Management Site Administration Grant / revoke access to NGS associates to update content on site. Content updates can come from league coordinators, coaches, etc Ongoing Health and Welfare of site Capability Expert What’s available from vendor? What’s valuable? Website Layout / Navigation Miscellaneous How to mine data – i.e. distribution lists, etc. Point person on ‘how-to’ questions from NGS associates Time Commitment One time event hours to convert to new site Ongoing 1-3 hours per month (12-36 hours per year)
3 Fields Liaison to Norfolk Recreation Commission Convey needs of NGS Coordinate field allocations for spring league Understand near and long term plans for fields Point of escalation for field issues Maintain punch list of field issues (i.e. field 4 home plate is crooked) Work with NGS associates and Norfolk Recreation Commission on resolution of field issues Present major field improvement suggestions to board for discussion Time commitment December / January / February – Meet with Norfolk Recreation Commission on field allocations March – Deliver field allocation to NGS Scheduling During season: 1-2 hours per week to handle field related issues and seek input from coaches and league coordinators of any field related issue Fall – Make capital recommendations for following season (i.e. addition of clay, re- setting bases, etc)
4 Scheduling Overall responsibility for scheduling of spring season practices, games and fields across all leagues Coordination of inter-town games Coordination with NGS Fields point person Time commitment March & April when registration closes On-going during spring season to coordinate makeup games
5 Umpires Overall responsibility for scheduling of spring season umpires for Senior, Major and Minor league games. Question: who handles giving the umpire money? Home coach? How do money get to coach? Time commitment March & April after schedule is completed On-going to ensure umpires at each game On-going to coordinate makeup games
6 Equipment Equipment building cleanup and inventory (fall) Clean and organize equipment building Identify equipment needs for spring season Order New Equipment Seek board approval on proposed purchases Order, receive & handle new equipment Coaches bag assembly & hand-out (spring) Create / update punch list of for contents of coaches bag (i.e. 3 bats; 5 batting helmets; catchers helmet, etc.) Assemble bags Coordinate delivery of coaches bag Time commitment Spring: 8-10 hours to assemble coaches bags and facilitate hand out Fall: coordinate cleanup team of 4-5 people for ½ day During season: < 1 hour per week to field equipment issues and resolve