What kind of teacher do you want to be? Ideas to think about throughout the semester
Options – Grade Level Preschool Middle School / Jr. High Elementary High SchoolAdult
Options – number of teachers in the classroom Co-Teaching Team-Teaching Solo-Teaching
Options - Subject
More Options Private / Public Other Options ? USA / Foreign Country Rural / City Regular Ed / Special Ed
What classroom environment do you want to create?
What classroom environment do you NOT want to create? 7 Habits of a Highly Ineffective Educator 7 Habits of a Highly Ineffective Educator (4 minutes)
What classroom environment do you want to create?
Prediction / Reflection Think about the ideas we have talked about in this presentation Journal your thoughts (5 minutes) – Possible questions to answer What grade do I want to teach? Why? Where do I want to teach? Why? What subject do I want to teach? Why? Why do I want to be a teacher?