F OUNDATIONS OF P HYSICS Notebook Assignment # 11 Energy Transfer Notes
Energy Transfer WorkForceHeat Temperature Difference RadiationWaves Three different mechanisms Results from
E NERGY T RANSFER Energy can pass from one object to another object. The amount of energy “gained” by one object equals the amount of energy “lost” by another object. Therefore, the total amount of energy is conserved (it remains unchanged). Three ways energy can be transferred from one object to another: Work, Heat, and Radiation
R ADIATION (R) The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves (light) Electromagnetic waves include: Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared waves, Visible Light (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), Ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and Gamma rays.
H EAT (Q) The transfer of energy from an object or area with high temperature to an object or area with a low temperature. Conduction – The transfer of energy by direct contact of a warm object and a cool object. Convection – The transfer of energy by the movement of a fluid (any liquid or gas) from high temperature to low temperature.
W ORK Transfer of energy from one object to another by a force Force – A push or a pull resulting from two or more objects interacting.
E NERGY B AR G RAPHS Method of showing the initial (beginning) energy and final (ending) energy of an object or group of objects called a system. Uses bars to represent energies. Ball’s Initial Energy Ball’s Final Energy KEGPE KEGPE EPE